Rack- Back Pain

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Rye's POV:

I take full responsibility for what happened to Jack, a water fight on stage wasn't the best idea. Long story short, Jack slipped and landed right on his back, the band doctor looked him over and nothing was broken thank God. However, he was in a lot of pain and was not allowed out of bed unless it was to use the toilet, even then we had to help him. I felt so bad though, even though he forgave me straight away and that these things happen but I wanted to make it up to him by helping out as much as possible. I had just finished making him a cup of tea and was bringing it to his bedroom, Iightly knocked on the door to make sure I didn't spill.

"Come in." I heard Jack say from the other side, I opened the door and saw him. He was shivering, I noticed that his duvet had fallen off the bed and that the window was open.

"Aww Jackie, you should have called for me." I said, I put the mug down on the bedside table before bending down beside the bed to grab his duvet. I pulled it over him and closed the window so he was comfortable.

"There we go, how are you feeling today?" I asked sitting on the edge of the bed.

"It still hurts, I can barely move." Jack said, pain spreading across his face.

"Do you want some more painkillers?" I asked him, he nodded closing his eyes. I grabbed the box of ibuprofen and popped out two tablets from him.

"You should eat something first, I don't want you taking these on an empty stomach." I said, luckily Jack had a biscuit tin in his room. I grabbed a couple custard creams and his tea and passed it to him.

"Thanks." He said, he dunked his biscuits in the tea before eating them. Luckily non of them broke. I passed him the tablets which he swallowed down with the rest of the tea.

"Can you pass me the heating pad please?" Jack asked pointing to the sofa, where it was placed.

"Sure thing Jackie." I said reaching over, taking a lunge forward before grasping it and pulling it towards me.

"Right, do you think you can lift your hips up for me or do you need help?" I asked him, lightly rubbing his side.

"I'll try." He said quietly, he shifted his position slightly. Concentration and pain across his face, he was trying to fight the urge to ask for help.

"Jack, let me help you. Don't strain yourself." I said.

"I feel so useless!" Jack moaned in frustration. I rubbed his arm to try and calm him down.

"Jackie, I'm so sorry this happened to you. I don't want you to feel like a burden on any of us, me especially, it was my own fault. Let me take care of you." I said, I felt so guilty. He nodded slowly, I helped lift up his hips and slid the heating pad under his back.

"There we go, is that nice?" I asked him, he closed his eyes and hummed softly. He was being cute.

"Painkillers making you sleepy?" I asked, he nodded tiredly opening his left eye a little bit so he could see me.

"Alright, let me tuck you in again then you can have a snooze." I said, I obviously had to untuck his duvet to give him the heating pad. I grabbed his mahoosive duvet and pulled it up to his chin and tucked it round the sides, stopping at the foot of the bed temporarily. I went to his chest of drawers and grabbed a pair of fuzzy socks and put them on his feet incase they poked out and got cold. I grabbed his blankie and covered him up some more, letting it hang loosely over him incase he got too warm, I doubted it because it is a cold winter's day.

"Nice and cosy now, I'm going to let you get some rest. Remember to call if you need anything." I said halfway our the door.

"Rye wait." I heard Jack say whilst yawning.

"Yes Jack, what do you need?" I asked.

"Can you stay here and cuddle with me, please?" Jack asked, giving me puppy dog eyes and making grabby hands.

"Ah, go on then. This is much better than answering emails anyway." I said, I crawled gently onto Jack's bed and pulled the blankie over the top of us before closing the black out curtains so it was easier for me to get so sleep also. I lightly kissed the back of Jack's neck.

"Sweet dreams Jackie Bub." I cooed softly.

"Thank you for taking care of me Rye Pie." Jack cooed back, turning his head to the side so our foreheads were touching. We stayed like that for most of the day, enjoying each others company. I made sure Jack knew that he could always count on us and that we didn't mind helping him.

This was a request, it was a bit short but hopefully it was what you wanted. I didn't really know if I should have focused more on the pain or the cuteness...if you don't mind I chose cuteness!💕

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