Jacklyn-Food Poisoning

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Jack's POV:

There are times that Brooklyn wants to do things for himself, like cooking for example. He was cooking his own food today, a chicken curry. What could go wrong? Only everything, I mean he was definitely taking his chances with salmonella. I was sat on the couch supervising just to make sure he didn't do anything stupid.

"Don't touch that.....did you wash that properly?.....use a sharper knife that that, seriously!" I said, trying to help him.

"Jack, just let me do this by myself. You can trust me." He said to me with pleading eyes to let him do this alone.

"Fine, but just let me see it before you think about eating it." I said pointing my finger at him, I was being serious, I had the authority in this kitchen. He nodded and turned me towards the door so I could leave him, I sat down on my bed and turned on Netflix. Was this really a good idea?

A sick feeling pooled in my stomach, not because I was unwell but because I was nervous that Brooklyn would hurt himself. I've never seen him cook meat before, that scared me. I watched the TV for a while until Brooklyn called me back to the kitchen to check his food. Oh God, here we go. I nervously made my way to him, expecting the pink flesh of the raw chicken staring me in the eye. But it wasn't, it was cooked nicely. It was juicy and tender, it smelled delicious. 

"Wow Brook, I'm impressed! Well done to you." I said giving him a pat on the back, he blushed and looked at the floor, clearly pleased with himself.

"Thanks Brother, you want some. I have plenty." He offered but I denied as I already ate. Maybe he isn't such a bad cook as I thought. I saw him eating in pure delight, a Gordon Ramsey in the making.

Brooklyn's POV:

I have a really bad stomachache, where did I go wrong? I cooked everything properly, Jack said so himself. I crawled into his bed and cuddled up next to him.

"Jackie, I think my curry is disagreeing with me." He looks at me confused.

"How could that be because you cooked it perfectly, are you feeling sick?" He said placing his hand on my forehead to check my temperature.

"I feel really sick, nauseous and my tummy hurts really bad." I said burying my face into the crook of Jack's neck.

"You feel warm, are you going to throw up?" He asked me, I wasn't sure so I just shrugged. I felt nauseous but nothing felt ready to come out.

"Let's get you to the bathroom just incase." Jack said helping me up and guiding me to the bathroom, positioning me in front of the toilet. He started rubbing my back, to comfort me. I grew more nauseous my the second and my belly was making a weird grumbling noise. It was going to happen pretty soon.

"I really don't feel good Jackie." I said, I was scared now. I hated puking. A sick sounding burp flew out of my mouth, my fist secured to my lips as the sick taste at the back of my throat built up. A few seconds later my stomach seized up and my curry made a reappearance into the bowl. This probably put me off curry for life. I flopped back into Jack after my barfing session, his hands now rubbing my aching stomach.

"Thanks for staying with me Jack." I said all shyly.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you Brook, I should have checked properly if the food was cooked. This is all my fault, I'm so so sorry buddy." I felt guilty, I made a stupid mistake while preparing my chicken. 

"It's not your fault, I made a stupid mistake. After I told you to leave I was cutting up my chicken, I don't know why I did this but I put my fingers in my mouth after touching it." I knew it was stupid, but my whole life I wondered what raw chicken tastes like, I should have known better but I couldn't live with that burden on my shoulders forever. But trust me it was not finger licking good.

"I can't get mad at you, you silly goose!" Jack said, hugging me tighter.

"But for now I'm going to look after you, I hope you learned your lesson Mister." I most definitely have, don't put your fingers in your mouth after touching raw meat. Jack carried me bridal style back to bed and tucked me in, he didn't leave my side until I felt better. I let him cook chicken for me from now on.

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