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"Andy, I'm dying." I heard Brooklyn say as he came into the living room and flopped down next to me on my bed. All of the others were out so that left just me and him at the house.

"We're all dying Brook." I stated just to be a smartass.

"I don't *cough* feel good." I felt his forehead, not that warm. Maybe a low grade fever.

"What's wrong Brookiekins?" I said whilst stroking his hair, knowing that when Brooklyn didn't feel good he wants to know he is loved.

"My head hurts, my throat *cough* hurts and my *cough* nose is runny." He probably just had a bit of a cold, nothing serious. Still I was going to look after him.

"Aww Brook, do you want a cuddle?" He curled into my side, I rubbed his back. I could hear him sniffling into my sweatshirt, wiping his nose secretly on it. Not so fast Brook, I have eyes.

"Have you heard of this amazing invention called 'The Tissue'?" I asked him.

"It helps you get rid of your snot in a more appropriate manner than using my favourite jumper." He lifted his head up.

"I couldn't find any tissues." Seriously, we normally do.

"What about toilet roll?"

"It *cough* makes my nose sore." He had a point. I got up and looked through my clothing shelf and grabbed an old jumper that I haven't worn in a long time and that I don't mind getting snotty and gave it to Brook.

"Thanks Andy." He nuzzled his face into it.

"Don't mention it mate, do you want a cup of tea?" He nodded. I grabbed his favourite mug out of the cupboard and made him a nice brew. I can make a good cup of tea. I passed him his mug, he was breathing in the steam.

"I feel like *cough* I can't breathe."

"I'll get you some vapo rub for you." I went into the bathroom and grabbed the eucalyptus gel stuff.

"Take your hoodie off please mate, and your socks." He did exactly that, I rubbed the strong smelling jelly on his chest, back and feet before pulling his socks back on.

"Why are you *cough* rubbing it on my feet?"

"It'll help your cough trust me, do you want to put your hoodie back on?" He shook his head.

"I'm bloody boiling." He finished drinking his tea, I put on a movie for him to watch. I cuddled him close to my chest, I saw my sweatshirt covered in snot. I'll have to wash it later. I looked over and saw his eyes closed, breathing a bit better because of the Vicks. I brushed a hand through his hair and whispered into his ear.

"Sleep tight Brook."


Requested by roadiesforeva

Short and sweet. Requests open!

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