Sock- You Don't Know Until You Try

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Comment your Chinese order at the end, mine is included in this. Enjoy xxx

Jack's POV:
I have been watching some videos about people beating the buffet at all you can eat restaurants, it was pretty interesting. I convinced the others to go with me to a Chinese buffet tonight, I obviously wasn't going to try and beat the buffet and try and eat more for my money's worth but because I made a promise to myself to try new things. I'm not exactly picky with my food, I just like what I like. But I wanted to venture out of this food comfort zone and taste new flavours, textures and see if I like it. You don't know if you like it until you try it. We made it to the restaurant and paid for our food and drinks, everyone went up and immediately went for the chips, rice and noodles. I liked all of those things but they fill you up quicker and are literally the cheapest things you could get, literally cheap as chips. I went straight for the meat, but this is where I decided on trying some new foods. Get that over with then I can settle with what I know. I chose some chicken stuff and some beef stuff, loaded up my plate and took it back to our table. Everyone else had just gotten chicken nuggets and chips.

"Excuse me, how old are you guys again?" I asked.

"Twelve." Brooklyn said before shoving a handful of chips in his mouth. These guys really didn't understand value for money, they eat the carbs that fill you up so you don't go for the more expensive stuff, like the crispy duck.

"What have you got there anyway?" Sonny asked. I looked at my plate and tilted my head to the side as I tried to make out what I was actually planning on eating.

"I don't really know, but I'm being adventurous....... I think that's chicken, and I'm fairly sure that that is beef?" I assumed pointing around the heap I made on my plate. I grabbed my fork and piled it up with some of the meat and sauce before taking a bite. I chewed it slowly, letting it linger on my tongue before swallowing it. A bit different to the stuff I normally have, not my first choice.

"Is it nice?" Rye asked. I thought back to the taste.

"It needs a bit of salt and pepper, I think. Andy can you pass it over?" I asked, maybe I just needed some more spices to make it a bit more appetizing. I shook some pepper over the top, along with the salt and mixed it in before taking another bite.

"Is it a bit nicer now?" Andy asked, I nodded. It gave it a bit more flavour.

"It's alright but it wouldn't be the thing I would usually go for." I said, I decided to eat the rest because it is about getting your money's worth at the end of the day. I got a fresh plate and started getting the stuff I know that I liked, some chow mein, curry sauce, crispy duck, spring rolls and seaweed. Heaven on a plate, I sat done with the others and happily tucked in. It was really nice, I went with the others to the desert section. Another trick I learnt is to eat a lot from the chocolate fountain because apparently the chocolate is expensive. I dipped in some marshmallows and fruit and put them on my plate along with these mini cakes on display. Everyone loves a chocolate fountain, we sat down at our table and ate our pudding. All the boys sticking to what they know and just getting ice cream, they are literally twelve years old. I highly doubt that I ate my money's worth of food but still I was proud that I tried some new foods. Everyone finished eating and we left the restaurant, I sat in the back seat of the car and Rye was driving.

Halfway through the drive home I noticed that I was getting a stomach-ache, I do let myself go a little when I'm at a buffet, I probably ate too much food. I rubbed my tummy gently, I felt bloated, I unbuttoned my jeans because they were starting to feel tight and uncomfortable. Sonny, who was sat next to me, tapped me on the shoulder.

"Are you alright Jack?" He asked me.

"I think I might have eaten too much." I said resting my head on his shoulder.

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