Sandy- Fever's Aren't Fun

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Sonny's POV:
Andy was really sick today, he had a raging fever and complaining of a headache. It started last night when he came into my room after he had a nightmare so I let him sleep with me, he snuggled into me and immediately I felt the heat radiating from his body. We were currently in the cinema room watching The Jungle Book, the poorly boy curled up in my lap with a cold washcloth on his forehead to try an lower his temperature. He shivered into me.

"D-daddy, I c-cold." He whimpered, his body was covered in goosebumps. But he was already burning up and I didn't want to overheat him by giving him a blanket.

"Let me take your temperature Baby, if it is below 102 degrees then you can have your blankie." I said before getting up from the couch.

"Stay!" He said grabbing my jumper.

"The thermometer is in the kitchen, I need to get it for you so I can check your temperature." I said, he made grabby hands for me.

"Uppy." He begged sadly, I picked him up and carried him to the kitchen before sitting him down on the counter. I grabbed the thermometer from the drawer and slipped it under Andy's tongue, we waited a minute before we got the reading. I took it out and read what it said.

"Your at 102.4 Andy, I'm sorry but no blankie right now." I said all apologetic, I felt really bad for him. I grabbed the nurofen from the cupboard and the medicine syringe and sucked up the correct dosage to give him.

"Time for your medicine buddy." I said, I put the syringe to his lips and released it slowly. He swallowed it before giving me a disgusted look.

"Yucky!" He moaned sticking his tongue out.

"I know bud, medicine doesn't taste nice but it'll help bring your fever down and make your headache better." I said picking him up again, carrying him back to the sofa and laying him down. I picked up his toy dog, Hemnes, and placed it into the crook of his arm.

"What do you and Hemnes want to watch?" I asked the adorable pair.

"Tangled pwease." He said quietly, hugging Hemnes tightly in his arms. I got the film set up on the screen and it started playing, normally with Disney films we always play the sing along version but today he wasn't in the mood. It was sad not seeing him like his normal self, I stroked my hand through his soft hair.

"Poor Bunny." I cooed softly before kissing his forehead lightly. He yawned loudly and rubbed his eyes.

"I think somebody's sleepy." I cooed.

"No, I no sweepy!" He said mid yawn.

"Naptime Baby." I said picking him up in my arms, he wrapped his arms around my neck and laid his head on my shoulder. I carried him upstairs to my bedroom, I was also pretty tired because he was awake most of the night so I was going to have a little sleep too. I sat him down on top of the duvet before I got under it.

"Not fair." He moaned, taking the duvet off me. I supposed he had a point, it was a bit unfair. I pulled the duvet off me and chucked it on the floor.

"See, know we both don't have a blanket. Lie down." I said pulling him close to my chest and resting his head on my pillow. I kissed the top of his head.

"Have a nice nap baby, hope you feel better when you wake up."

"Wuv you Daddy." He said sweetly before falling asleep, I soon dozed off next to him

When he woke up his fever was a lot lower, it was at 101.2 so I let him have his blankie back which he was really happy about. We had to watch all the Disney movies again so we could have the sing along version, that was a fun couple hours.

A short one, wanted to get round to your requests xx

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