Randy- Flu, Cramps and Nosebleeds

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Based on a true story that happened to me last year, it was horrible. And I am ill at the moment so that's fun. Enjoy!
Rye's POV:
I fucking hate being ill! My body decided to spontaneously catch a virus. Everything hurts and I can't breathe, the worst thing is I can't sleep. I was laying in my bed feeling like crap, coughing into my pillow then burying my face into it.

"Rye, I got you some night time cold and flu medicine. It should help you sleep." Andy said unscrewing the cap of the liquid goodness. I slowly turned onto my back, Andy sat on the edge of my bed and spoon fed me the medicine. It tasted lush, like calpol. Hopefully this stuff should cure me.

"Now go to sleep Mr, that fever is not going to sleep off itself." He said rubbing my arm lightly. I slumped back down into my bed and pulled the duvet further up my body. I closed my eyes and slipped off into a little coma.

Ouchie! I woke up early the next morning because I felt something that no one likes to wake up to. Menstrual cramps. Why now, why did it have to be when I was on my death bed. I got up, I was dizzy so I clinged onto the walls as I dragged my aching body to the bathroom to assess the damage. Along the hallway, Andy was making his way to the stairs.

"Go back to bed Rye, anything you need I'll get it for you." He said stopping in his tracks and putting his hands on his hips like he had some kind of authority.

"Sorry, *cough cough cough* but I think I'm leaking." I said yanking my way into the bathroom. I pulled down my underwear and sat down on the toilet, thankfully nothing was there. Maybe this was just a false alarm. I went to the bathroom and obviously wiped afterwards. Blood all over the toilet paper, so I was literally about to start. This was just great. I put on a pad and stood up again, dragged myself back to my bedroom, flopped onto my bed and laid on my stomach. It made me feel even more congested but it was warming up my stomach to get rid of the cramps, not very well though. I turned my head to the side so I could try and breathe. In and out through my mouth. Andy came back into my room.

"Aww, Rye. Can I get you anything?" He asked.

"Can you please *cough cough* shoot me?" I asked, this was the worst.

"I won't do that Rye, that would just be worse than it already is. I'll get you a hot water bottle for your cramps, ok?" He said, I nodded just wanting some relief. I hated this so much. Andy came back with the heavenly hot bottle of water, I put it in my sweatpants so it was directly on my uterus. I also noticed that Andy made me a cup of tea, he is the best.

"Cheers." I said weakly, I grabbed the mug and took small sips of it. I burned my tongue, great more pain!

"Blow on it first you silly sausage!" Andy said, I blew on it a few times and drank it again. I could still feel were I burnt my tongue, but it did its job of soothing my throat.

"Do you want me to stay with you?" He asked, I don't know how I was going to survive this plague without him.

"Please." I said grabbing his wrist and pulled him closer. He put my head in his lap and rubbed my back, we watched Netflix on my laptop for a bit. My sinuses started to feel weird, I knew that I was going to sneeze. I grabbed a tissue and sneezed three big sneeze, ending it with a large and aggressive nose blow. I pulled the tissue away from my nose to chuck it in the bin, I looked at it. A huge blood clot was hanging out of my nose and about to come out onto the tissue. I sharply put the tissue back to my nose before I bled all over my bed.

"Andy, my nose is bleeding." I said, more blood. Andy pinched the bridge of my nose to try and stop the flow of blood coming out of me.

"Let's get you back to the bathroom." He said guiding me back to the bathroom. I hovered my head over the sink and letting the nasty stuff out of my nose. So much blood, too much blood. This can't be healthy, I was actually getting a bit dizzy. I sat down on the lid of the toilet, he grabbed a flannel and ran it under the cold water before putting it on my forehead.

"Breathe through your mouth please, Rye." He said, I did exactly that and hung my mouth wide open. I could taste the metallic taste of blood at the back of my throat, I coughed up some bloody phlegm into the sink. This was really gross. The flow of blood from my nose slowed down gradually before it completely stopped. Andy got me a glass of water to flush out the taste of blood. I took a few sips, then I took a mouthful and sloshed it around my mouth before spitting it into the sink.

"Can *cough cough cough* carry me to the bedroom, I'm tired." I whined holding my arms out, Andy gave in and scooped me up, carrying me bridal style to my bed and laying me down. But he took my duvet, I got really mad at that.

"Andyyy! Give it back." I moaned.

"Not now, if you overheat then you are going to have another nosebleed." That annoyed me slightly, I was freezing cold. Andy laid down next to me and cuddled me to warm me up with his body heat, I guess that was better than a duvet.

After a couple more days of endless blood and a burnt tongue, I had recovered from the flu but I was still on my period. And I had to look after Andy because I managed to get him sick. It is what it is.

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