Alphadog Family- If You're Sick, You're Going To Be Sick

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In this one Blair and Ginger aren't the parents, instead Andy is the older brother and everyone's legal guardian.

Ages: Andy- 25 years old 

Rye- 16 years old

Sonny-15 years old

Brooklyn- 13 years old

Jack- 4 and a half years old


Andy's POV:

I gently carried a very sleepy and very poorly Jack up the stairs and to his bedroom. Both himself, Rye and Sonny had caught the flu and felt really miserable since they came home from school. Brooklyn had been home sick today too but I had this strong feeling that he was faking. I sat Jack down on his bed, his little nose was all red and saw from blowing his nose and he was struggling to hold up his head, I felt so bad for him. I got him under the covers and tucked him in, his eyes starting to flutter closed.

"Don't go to sleep yet Angel, I want to give you some calpol first to help you sleep." I told him, I propped the pillows up behind his head as he coughed whilst sitting up for me. I sucked up the medicine through the syringe and squirted it into his mouth.

"There you go Jackie, lie back down now." I said calmly, I kept the pillows stacked up behind him to stop him coughing so much in the night. I turned on his night-light and cuddled with him as he started to drift off.

I rubbed small circles on Jack's back, humming quietly to myself. I could tell he was already asleep but I just wanted to stay with him a little longer, I always hate when my brothers are sick.

"Andy...Andy!" I hear Sonny call out for me, I slowly got up from Jack's bed and half closed his door because I knew he didn't like it fully closed incase he woke up in the night. I went into Sonny and Rye's bedroom, they were both in their beds under a couple blankets.

"Hey guys, what's wrong. What do you need?" I asked them.

"Mmmm my *cough cough* head hurds." Sonny whined.

"And *cough cough cough* my throad hurds." Rye whined also.

"I can't give you any medicine yet, how about I get you a cold cloth for your head and maybe I could make you some tea. Would you like that?" I asked thinking of the next best thing I could. The both nodded slowly before looking back at their television as they were watching a movie. I went downstairs and put the kettle on to make Rye his tea, deciding that peppermint would be best for him as tea with milk in might make his phlegm more heavy which he wouldn't like. As soon as it was finished I took the mug and walked through the living room to get to the stairs so I could check up on Brooklyn. He was lying on the sofa and shouting at the television as the football was on.

"You've perked up a bit." I said, startled he forced out three fat coughs which were the fakest sounding I've ever heard.

"I still feel ill *fake sneeze*, I think I need more ice cream to help my throat Andy." He whined with puppy dog eyes, I could always tell when Brooklyn is faking sick. If he could complain and ask for demands like that than he was fine, I might have let the act slip this morning because I was tired but I wasn't going to let him get away with it. I went upstairs and  went into the bathroom so I could run a flannel under the cold tap, I squeezed the water out so it was just a cold flannel before taking the tea and cloth back to the Ryan room as I like to say.

"Here you go you two." I said positioning the flannel on Sonny's forehead so it wasn't covering his eyes, I passed Rye his mug and he started to drink from it.

"Danks Andy." Sonny said before taking out a fresh tissue from the box and wiping his snotty nose.

"Are Jack and Brooklyn alrighd?" Rye asked.

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