Brandy- I Threw Up And It Was Green

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I AM SICK!. I just thought of this idea as I laid on the couch doing nothing.
Andy's POV:
Brooklyn was lying in bed with a sickness bug, he hasn't moved or eaten in days. Me and the rest of the boys had just come back from the gym, we did a Zumba class which was fun. Brook obviously stayed at the flat on his own because who would want to do Zumba with a dodgy tummy. We walked back to the flat, Rye was doing the routine we learned as we walked along the pavement, we got some weird looks from people. Thanks Rye! We walked up the stairs, Rye now deciding to to the conga with Jack. Jack didn't seem to be interested.

"Rye get off, your squeezing too hard." He said trying to free himself from Rye's grasp. He tried to conga with me but I didn't let that happen. We entered the flat, finally, Rye hadn't calmed down as he did the cha cha cha into his shower.

"YOU ARE THE DANCING QUEEN, YOUNG AND SWEET. ONLY SEVENTEEN!" He sang as the hot water hit his back. He was in a good mood but it was time for me to check on Brooklyn. I slowly opened the door to the Jacklyn room were I saw him in his bed watching Riverdale which was playing on the TV.

"Oh, hey Bro." He said as he saw me enter the room. I lifted up his legs and put them in my lap as I sat down on his bed.

"How's the tummy?" I asked, he should be improving by now.

"Hurts, when you were gone I threw up and it was green." He said sadly, if his puke was green that meant that he was throwing up bile, that wasn't good.

"I told you you should eat something, that's not good Brooklyn." He turned his head and groaned into his pillow.

"NO! It will make me throw up, I don't want to." He moaned.

"You literally have nothing to throw up, it'll hurt a lot less if you eat something. You might feel better if you get your strength up." He continued to groan into his pillow.

"Nope, not going to eat." He said, he was being a big baby. Literally this whole sickness, the only fluids he's been drinking are popsicles.

"Right, you have driven me to this!" I said getting up from the bed. I made my way to the kitchen and opened a tin of chicken noodle soup and poured it into a bowl before bunging it in the microwave, hoping for the best. I also grabbed a popsicle from the freezer. Once the soup was ready I put it on a tray, along with the frozen goodness and took it into Brook's room.

"Ok, if you eat this whole bowl of soup  then you can have this fruity popsicle." I said, sometimes you have to bribe people into making them eat their food.

"And if I don't eat it what happens?" He challenged, but I already thought this through.

"Then I take your duvet away." I told him, his jaw dropped to the floor as if I had massively offended him.

"How dare you Mr Fowler! Fine I'll eat the sodding soup just don't take my duvet away Andy, you Beast." He put the tray on his lap and started eating it slowly. I won.

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