Jacklyn- I Wanna See Jackie

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Rye's POV:

Jack had been up most of the night, he had a raging fever and he was throwing up, unable to get back to sleep for a while. Both me and Andy were tired from staying up with him, he as asleep in our bed with his binkie in his mouth and cuddling with his kitten toy Mittens. The poor thing was exhausted.

"My poor baby." Andy cooed sadly before lightly kissing his forehead.

"He's still burning up." He continued as he stroked his hair, we had given him a cold bath earlier to try and keep it down and it wasn't proving to be too affective. After a couple minutes, Jack started squirming again and his eyes fluttered open. His eyes were red and watering, he whimpered quietly.

"What's wrong little one." Andy asked, Jack made grabby hands for him.

"Dwaddy." He whimpered, Andy picked him up and cradled him in his lap.

"Does your tummy still hurt?" I asked him softly, he nodded before starting to cry again.

"Ssshhh, you're ok baby boy. Me and Daddy are going to make you better, ok?" I said lying down next to them, reaching over to rub Jack's tummy. I rubbed gentle circles on his stomach, he relaxed into Andy a bit more before growing sleepy again.

"That's it sweetheart, go to sleep." Andy cooed softly. Jack fell back to sleep.

"Do you want a cup of tea?" I asked Andy, it was six in the morning now. He nodded. I tiptoed downstairs to the kitchen and started to boil the kettle, I grabbed our mugs from the cupboard and plopped a teabag in each.

"Morning Rye, you're up early." I heard Sonny say whilst yawning behind me, startling me a bit.

"Morning Sonny, I pretty much haven't slept." I said grabbing the milk out the fridge.

"How come?" Sonny asked sitting at the table.

"Jack threw up and he has a high fever, I had to give him a bath. The poor thing is exhausted now." I explained pouring the liquids into our mugs.

"Aww, I hope he gets better soon. Do you want me to watch Brooklyn today, you seem to have your hands full already, literally you are trying to carry two mugs of tea and the whole packet of digestive biscuits upstairs. You can't do it, it can't be done." He said, he did have a point, I was going to be busy looking after Jack.

"that would be great Sonny, now can you help me take these drinks upstairs. They are starting to burn my fingers!" I rushed as I tried to keep myself from dropping and smashing a mug filled with hot tea. Sonny took Andy's mug so I was just left with the biscuits and my own mug.

Sonny's POV:

I was now looking after Brooklyn for the day since Jack was not feeling very well, it was time to wake him up. I sat down on the edge of his bed and rubbed his back.

"Brookie bubs, it's uncle Sonny. Wake up little one." I cooed, he opened his eyes and looked at me confused.

"Papa an Dada?" He asked looking around the room.

"They're in their bedroom with Jack, I'm babysitting you today. Does that sound fun?" I asked him.

"Yay!" He said jumping up onto my lap, I chuckled and placed him on my hip as I walked downstairs to make him some breakfast. I sat him down on his chair and opened the cupboard.

"What do you want for breakfast Brookie?" I asked him.

"Shreddies!" He answered excitedly. (A/N I LOVE SHREDDIES, WITH HOT MILK AND A BIT OF SUGAR!) I made his little bowl before sitting with him.

"Do you want to feed yourself today or do you want me to feed you?" I asked him.

"I a big boy, I can do it!" He said confidently grabbing his spoon and scooping a huge mouthful of cereal in his mouth. Chewing with his mouth wide open and with a cheeky smile on his face like always. I happily ruffled his hair as he continued eating. By the end of the meal he had milk dripping off his chin and onto his pyjama top.

"Come on Monkey, let's get you cleaned up." I said picking him up again and taking him to the bathroom, I grabbed a flannel and properly wiped his face. 

"There you go, squeaky clean. Let's get you changed then maybe we could go to the playground?" I suggested, he nodded happily and I took him to the bedroom to get him changed. I got him in some comfy jeans and a hoodie so he was ready to go out.

"When Jackie coming?" He asked me, I didn't really want to worry him.

"Umm...he can't come with us today Brooklyn. He is feeling icky." I told him, Brook started welling up with tears.

"I-icky! He going to be o-okay?" He sobbed, protective over him.

"He'll be fine Brooklyn, he just needs a bit of rest because he has a fever and was sickie." I told him.

"A f-fwever!" He panicked, crying into my chest. Oh Christ, what have I done?

Andy's POV:

I could hear Brooklyn crying, I left my bedroom to see what was wrong with him. He was crying into Sonny's chest.

"Hey, hey. What's wrong Brookie pie?" I cooed, rubbing his back.

"W-wanna see Jackie, he ok?" He asked rubbing his eyes, bless his little cotton socks!

"He's fine baby, he is just feeling icky." I told him.

"He hwas a fwever?" He asked me.

"He does Brookie, he'll be alright. His body is just trying to get rid of the germs." I told him.

"Wanna see Clover." Brooklyn said.

"Alright Brookie, you can go see Jackie. But you need to be quiet and be gentle with him because he still has a sore tummy, ok baby boy?" I explained, he nodded and took my hand. I lead him to mine and Rye's room, Jack was lying awake on the bed snuggled with Rye.

"Jackie, look who is here to see you." I said placing him on the bed, a weak smile spread across his face.

"Jackie icky." Brooklyn said sadly as he laid down next to him, Jack moved his head towards him so their foreheads were touching. They looked so cute, Brooklyn tucked Mittens into the crook of Jack's elbow and kissed his nose. Jack whimpered again, Brooklyn looked at me scared that he was going to get told off.

"I hwurt him?" He asked.

"Of course you didn't Brookie, is it your tummy again Jackie?" I asked Jack, he nodded and squirmed around slightly.

"Jack likes when his tummy is rubbed because it makes him feel better, do you want to help Brookie?" Rye asked him, Brooklyn went all shy and was quite hesitant because he was still sure that he had hurt him, which he didn't. Rye lightly placed Brooklyn's hand on Jack's tummy and started to rub small circles on it.

"That's it, nice and gentle." He said, letting Brooklyn rub it without assistance. Jack relaxed again and nuzzled up to Brooklyn.

Brooklyn was super helpful with Jack the rest of the day, Jack felt much better by the end of the weekend thanks to snuggles and tummy rubs from his monkey.

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