Brandy- Tummy Ache

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Brooklyn's POV:

I think I ate my food too fast, I am seriously a five year old and the boys constantly remind me to actually chew my food and not gulp it down. I didn't listen to them, I have things to do like finish watching a series on Netflix and that takes up time so I can't waste a second. I had a stomach-ache that wasn't going away and I wanted a cuddle, I went into the living room and Andy was sat down on his bed. I went over and laid down across him, as you do.

"Andy, I need your help." I moaned. He lightly rubbed my shoulders and put his phone away.

"What do you need help with Brookie?" He asked me.

"My tummy, I need you to fix it." I said turning over onto my back so I could see his face.

"Well then, what's wrong?" Does he even listen!

"My tummy!" I emphasised, pointing to my belly with both hands.

"Well tell me what's wrong with it then." Andy rephrased, that made more sense.

"It hurts, now can you fix it?" I asked again.

"Aww, does the little baby have a ickle tummy ache." Andy cooed, pretending that I was a baby. I blushed and looked to the side.

"Yeah.." I said all embarrassed. Andy slipped his hand under my shirt and rubbed small circles on my stomach, it felt really nice and soothing. He rubbed for about ten minutes but I still didn't feel better.

"It still huuuuurts!" I moaned again, I just wanted this ache to go away.

"I'll get you some medicine, then you should take a nap and that should help." He got up and made his way to the cupboard to look for any type of antacid, a hand moved to my stomach, I should really take that chewing thing more seriously.

"Here, they will fizz on your tongue for a bit. Wait till they dissolve then take a nap." I took the fizzers from him and placed them on my tongue, they tasted of nothing yet they tasted disgusting if that makes sense. I cuddled into Andy's duvet and tried to fall asleep for a bit.

I woke up, I felt great. My tummy ache was gone, I felt a whole lot better.

"Hey, you're awake! How do you feel?" Andy asked stroking my blonde locks.

"Much better, thanks for fixing it Andy Pandy!" I hugged him weirdly because I was lying down but it was a hug none the less.

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