Randy- Strep Throat

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Andy's POV:
I really didn't feel well, I thought that I just overused my voice recording yesterday but today I felt way worse. My throat feels raw and its painful to swallow, I have a bad stomach-ache and I feel kinda nauseous, my head hurts and I think I might have a fever.
I tightened my duvet around my shoulders to try and stop my shivers. I didn't want to be alone but I couldn't shout for someone because it hurt to talk, I reached over to my bedside table and texted Rye.

From Andy🌵: Rye, I'm sick. Can you come here please?🤒

From Rye🐝: Yeah of course, do you want me to bring you anything?

From Andy🌵: Maybe a bucket, ginger tea and some throat soothers if we have any.

From Rye🐝: Ok, I'll be there in a minute.

I put my phone down and cuddled back into my blankets. I hate being ill, I hate having a sore throat, I hate feeling sick. Sore throats are just the worst thing ever, I just want to be able to sing good. My bedroom door opened and Rye came in with the sick bucket and my cup of tea. No throat soothers though.

"Sorry Fovvs, we have no soothers. I'll buy some later though." He promised, I nodded. He sat down on the bed and cuddled me into his chest.

"Now, tell me what's wrong Andy." He said rocking me lightly and rubbing my back.

"Bad throat, sore stomach, banging headache." I croaked out, my voice was all raspy and horrible.

"Using hierarchy I'm assuming that your throat hurts the worst." Rye said, I nodded again. I snuggled in closer to him, he put his hand on my forehead and I leaned in to the cool touch.

"You're burning up, what a great time for our thermometer to go missing, (A/N Sonny still hadn't given it back from when he faked sick) no wonder you feel so bad. Are you going to spew?" He asked, I shrugged. I felt nauseous but I wasn't going to throw up, yet. He sat up and grabbed my mug and passed it to me.

"Drink it while it's hot, it should sooth your throat." He said, I took a sip which felt nice on my throat but it burned my mouth. It was worth it though and I drank the whole thing before melting back into Rye's embrace.

"Go back to sleep Andy Pandy, I'll stay here with you." He said playing with my hair softly, I closed my eyes and dozed off.

Rye's POV:
Andy fell asleep on me, he was like a warm teddy bear and I was enjoying his cuddles. I heard his belly grumble and not in a hungry way, he curled up on me and brought his knees up to his chest. His eyes fluttered open and he slapped a hand over his mouth, I grabbed the bucket from the side of the bed and held it under his chin to catch the flow of vomit he was about to produce. He started throwing up, I rubbed his back and whispered some sweet nothings into his ear to try and calm him down.

"You're ok Andy, Rye Pie's here." I cooed softly, he finished puking and clutched his throat and his tummy before curling up on his bed again.

"Aww Andy." I said putting the bucket, that was filled with sick, back on the ground and tended to the poorly boy as he started crying.

"H-hurts." He croaked out, his voice sounded awful. I wiped the tear away from his cheek and pulled him up onto my lap so I could hug him.

"Do you mind if I take a look at your throat?" I asked, he shook his head. I grabbed my phone and turned the torch on and shone it into his mouth. His tonsils looked red and swollen, he had white patches on his throat and tiny red spots on the roof of his mouth,  not good.

"I'm going to book you a doctor's appointment for this afternoon, your throat looks really bad." I told Andy, he didn't care about going to the doctors. He just wanted to get better. I  cleaned out the sick bucket and put it back by the bed, I made him a fresh cup of tea and I got him a hot water bottle for his stomach. I put on a movie for us to watch but he fell asleep again during that time I rang up his GP to make an appointment. They said they could squeeze is in at half past three, perfect time. It was quarter to three, time to wake up Andy.

"Oh Andy Poo, time to get up. We have to go to the doctors." I said rubbing his back, he slowly woke up and whimpered.

"It hurts." He whined.

"I know Andy, I know. This is why we are going to see the doctor, let me grab you some clean sweats." I said getting up from his bed, I went over to his drawers and grabbed his joggers and a clean hoodie. He got changed and we went out to the car, I drove us to the local doctors surgery. We got out and went to the reception, I signed Andy in and we waited to be called.

"Andrew Fowler, please." A female doctors voice called out, we walked into her office. I sat down on the chair and Andy sat on the examination bed.

"Hello boys, I assume that's Andrew. Do you prefer to be called Andy?" She asked, Andy nodded.

"Ok then, what seems to be the problem." She asked, Andy gave me a little nudge as if he wants me to explain for him.

"He has a really bad throat, it was all red and swollen with these white patches. His stomach hurts and he's thrown up, he also had a fever but we don't know how high." I said.

"Ok then, I'll start by taking your temperature then." She pulled out a fancy ear thermometer and put it in Andy's ear until it beeped. She took it out and read the reading.

"102.8, that's high." She said writing it down. She checked his blood pressure and his heart rate before she pulled out a lolly stick and pressed it down on his tongue before looking at his throat.

"You're right, he has some swelling. And some white patches, red spots and all. I'm going to take a quick strep test." She said, she grabbed a cotton swab.

"I'm just going to quickly swab your throat, it might trigger gag reflux but you should be fine." She said, she quickly stabbed the back of Andy's throat and put the swab in the test tube. Andy gagged once but he was fine, we then sat patiently as we waited for the results to come back. The doctor came back into the room with her clipboard.

"The strep test came back positive, I will prescribe Andy some antibiotics to fight the infection. If there is no improvement in forty-eight hours then I suggest coming back here for another check up incase we need to prescribe something a little stronger." She explained, we both nodded. Understood.

"Thank you for your time." I said, standing up.

"No problem,hope you feel better soon Andy." She said as we left. I went to the pharmacy and picked up the antibiotics Andy needed before we drove home. I cuddled Andy and made him lots of tea and made sure he took his medicine, he soon started to feel a better.

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