Dorbyn- Freezing

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I know this isn't Roadtrip but my sister wanted a WDW one because she is semi-limelight who has the hots for Daniel Seavey. Enjoy!


Corbyn's POV:

"How are you feeling Dani?" I asked my sick boyfriend sprawled out on the couch, shivering under a blanket. He had been throwing up all night so I went to the shops to get him some medicine.

"Yucky." He said weakly, I hated seeing him so sick. I went to the kitchen to make him some ginger tea, I got him some medicine and some crackers to eat. As I put the water on to boil I heard Daniel call for me.

"Corby!" I went back to the living room to see what he wanted.

"I'm here Dani, what's wrong?" I asked sitting down on the couch with him and brushing my hand through his sweaty hair.

"My tummy hurts so bad, please make it stop." He said gripping onto my shirt and crying into my chest. I felt so bad for him, I slid my hand under his shirts so I could rub his stomach. He shivered to the touch.

"C-cold." He croaked out, pulling his blanket further up his body to try and keep himself warm. 

"I'm sorry Bubba, I'm going to finish making you tea. That will warm you up and help you feel better." I went back to the kitchen and finished making his tea, I put the crackers, medicine and the mug down on the coffee table and sat on the couch again.

"I know you feel yucky Dani, but you need to sit up to take some medicine, and I don't want you to burn yourself." I piled up the cushions behind his back and helped him sit up. I passed him the tea and the medicine which he swallowed fairly quickly. I put on a movie and snuggled my poorly boy as he took small sips of tea. He was so adorable, I love him so stinking much! He fell asleep on me, laying across my chest. He shivered into me for more warmth, I already knew he had a fever and I didn't want to make it higher by piling more blankets on top of him otherwise he would overheat. I took his blanket and swaddled him up like a little baby, he looked all cosy and warm. I took a picture of him all swaddled up and tweeted it:

My Baby Is Poorly :(

I also sent it to a groupchat with the rest of the boys.

From Jack: Aww Baby Dani, hope he feels better soon xxxx

From Jonah: Cute as a button xxxx

From Zach: His cheeks are sooo pink, cutie xxxx

After a few days of cuddling, Daniel was feeling much better.

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