Jandy- Sinus Infection

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Andy's POV:

Rye and Brooklyn went for a couples massage, apparently they hadn't had a Rylyn day out in about a year. This left me to look after the sniffling blob on the couch, called Jack. 

"Andy, can you ged me some more dissues?" Said his weak, congested voice. He had already used an unearthly amount of tissues today, luckily I kept a few boxes in the cupboard incase there was a shortage. I put the fresh box of tissues on the arm of the sofa.

"There you go bud, how are you feeling?" I asked, putting Jack's head in my lap, running my hand through his locks.

"I'm very congesded, and thirsdy." He could barely pronounce his words because his nose was all stuffy. I rested my hand on his forehead, he had a high fever, his body was definitely trying to fight something.

"I'll go get you a drink." I said getting off the couch.

"Dea please." I assumed he was asking for a cup of tea, I grabbed his favourite mug and made him a nice brew. He needs to stay hydrated, you loose a lot of fluids blowing your nose. And to fight off this infection he needed to drink a lot. I was about to pass him the mug when he stopped me.

"Waid!" He quickly grabbed a tissue and held it to his nose and sneezed forcefully four times, then blowing it really hard. He threw the gross tissue into the waste basket, adding to the mountain he had created. I then passed him the mug and he sipped the tea.

"Id dasdes differend." He said, he obviously couldn't taste very well.

"If you can't smell it then it will be hard to taste. Just drink it, you need to stay hydrated and it'll warm you up." Jack liked the idea of being warm, he was a shivering mess a minute ago. He continued to drink his 'flavourless' beverage, he breathed in the steam, in through his mouth....then back out through his mouth. His nose was completely blocked so there was no point in trying otherwise he wouldn't breathe.

A couple hours later, I put on a movie for me and Jack to watch but he fell asleep on me. His mouth hanging wide open, it was actually kind of funny. I wondered when Rye and Brooklyn were coming back, their massages should have finished by now. As if on que, Rylyn swaggered in looking all refreshed.

"Hey, how was your spa day?" I asked.

"It was great, the massage was bliss. The hot tub was the perfect temperature, the sauna was just heaven. the steam room smelt amazing." I listened jealously to Rye's description, the person who needed a steam room most was Jack to clear out his sinuses. But then Brooklyn piped up, all excited,

"Then we went to Frankie and Bennies for hotdogs! And we bought some bath bombs and some nice smelling soaps from Lush! I bought a soap on a rope!" Brooklyn said triumphantly holding up the soap on a rope as if it were a trophy or something. Jack stirred in his sleep and buried his face into my stomach.

"Loud." He whimpered, I stroked the back of his head and told the boys to shut up so he could sleep. Rye and Brook piled onto the beds and watched the rest of the movie with me.

"He is snoring so loud." Rye said, we put on another movie, Jack was in a very deep sleep and was snoring very loudly.

"The poor lad is stuffed up, give him a break. Can one of you get the vapo rub please?" I asked. Rye stood up and went to the bathroom to grab it from the cupboard, Brook started to slowly take off Jack's hoodie. He woke up from his slumber as the cold air hit his skin.

"Whad's going on?" He asked all groggy.

"We are putting some vapo rub on your chest and back so you can breathe easier." Rye returned with the eucalyptus gel. I unscrewed the cap and scooped some of it on my fingers.

"Woah, that is strong stuff." Brook said taking a stride back. I pulled down Jack's shirt and rubbed it on his chest.

"I can'd smell anyding." He moaned, I started rubbing his back.

"You should do soon, just let it work." I said whilst pulling the hoodie back over his shivering body.

"Do you want to go to bed, Jackie?" I asked him, he nodded into my chest. I gave him a piggy-back to his room and laid him down under the covers.

"Sleep tight Jack, hope you feel better in the morning."


Not my best I don't think, but I only really write stuff when they are throwing up. Hope you like it anyway.

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