Socklyn- Similarities and Differences

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Brooklyn's POV:
Jack had gotten violently sick, he was throwing up a lot and he had diarrhoea too. He told me to wait outside the bathroom door because he didn't want me to see him on the toilet, I respect that. I heard the toilet flush and I could hear him start to wash his hands. He opened the door, he looked even more pale than before and could barely stand up, he was definitely dehydrated.

"Feel a little better now?" I asked, he sadly shook his head and looked at the ground. He was embarrassed.

"Let's get you to the couch Jackie, you need to lie down." I picked him up, he was shaking so much.

"You have a fever, you're shivering so much!" I said as we walked back to the couch, I pulled the blanket over his body and went into the the kitchen to grab him a glass of water and some crackers. As I entered the living room again, I noticed that Jack had kicked the blanket off himself.

"I thought you were cold?" I asked.

"I was, now I'm bloody boiling." He moaned, that is very uncomfortable.

"You need to drink all of this, and you should try and eat something." I said passing him the food and drink, I wasn't surprised when he refused.

"Nooo! My stomach hurts, they won't stay down." He said trying to hide his face. I snapped a cracker in half and passed it back.

"Just eat this, if it doesn't stay down then it doesn't stay down." He slowly accepted it and ate it. Swallowing it down with some water, hopefully he wouldn't throw it up. We put on a film to watch, for entertainment but I couldn't concentrate because I saw Jack beginning to rub his own stomach.

"Are you alright Jackie?" I asked with some concern.

"I don't think that cracker sat well, I feel really sick again." He said getting teary eyed. Poor guy, I know it didn't feel nice. I picked up the bucket on the floor and held it under his chin, lightly rubbing his back to try and soothe him. He retched then the small bit of cracker and water poured back out of his mouth. He cried into my shoulder afterwards.

"Why can't I hold anything down, can't I get a break?" He whimpered.

"I'm sorry you're so sick Jackie, just calm down. Have a little sleep then you might feel a little bit better." I said laying him down again. I grabbed the sick filled bucket and went into the bathroom to clean it out. I dumped the contents into the toilet and washed it out in the sink. I placed the bucket next to the couch again, Jack had fallen asleep. I went back to the kitchen to make myself coffee in a bowl because I couldn't be bothered to wash a mug, Sonny came into the room.

"Brook, where are the stomach relaxers?" He asked, not Sonny too.

"Maybe you caught what Jack has, have you been sick, do you feel nauseous, have you had diarrhoea?" I asked getting into some sort of frenzy.

"My stomach hurts so much, I feel a little sick. I haven't vomited or had diarrhoea or anything. I don't really know." He said, sitting down at the breakfast bar. I placed my hand on his forehead to feel for a temperature.

"You feel warm, go lie down on the couch other there. I'll get you some medicine and a hot water bottle." I pulled out the hot water bottle from the cupboard and boiled a kettle of water to fill it with. I grabbed the bottle of stomach relaxing pills and grabbed two of them. I filled the hot water bottle up and put a fluffy cover over the top of it. I walked over to the kitchen couch where Sonny was stretched out. He took the medicine I gave him and tried to lift up his shirt so I could put the hot water bottle on his stomach. He quickly swatted me hand away.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! Don't touch it please, it hurts Brookie!" He shouted, that wasn't good at all. I barely touched him. Gently I managed to lift up his shirt without touching him. His lower right abdomen was all red and swollen, I feared that he might have appendicitis!

"Sorry in advance for what I am about to do." I said before touching his stomach again, he screamed like bloody murder and tried to kicked me away. He.ust of had appendicitis, he wouldn't be in that much pain otherwise.

"Sonny, I'm going to have to take you to hospital. You might need to get your appendix removed!" I said trying to sit him up. Rye and Andy rushed into the room.

"WHAT'S WRONG, WHO'S DEAD!" Rye shouted.

"Can you watch Jack, I need to get Sonny to hospital quickly. I think he has appendicitis." I managed to pick the boy up and ran towards the front door.

"We'll look after Jack, don't worry. Go on!" Andy said pushing me out the door so I could get to my car. I quickly buckled Sonny into the front seat, he was in so much pain by this point. I drove as fast as I could to the nearest hospital. Sonny threw up on his lap because the pain was so bad. I don't car that he made a mess. I pulled up into the car park outside of the hospital. I scooped up Sonny and sprinted into Accident and Emergency.

"I need help, it's his appendix!" I shouted in hope of assistance. Some nurses pulled out a gurney and quickly swifted him away for an emergency surgery. I sat in the waiting room filling out some paperwork for him. A couple hours of worrying later, the doctors finally let me go see my sick bandmate.

"His appendix was about to burst. We will keep him in for a few nights just to make sure he doesn't get an infection where he got his stitches." I thanked the doctor and sat down in a chair next to Sonny's hospital bed. This could have been a disaster, first band death. Call me Super Brooklyn, I could have easily of mistaken it for just a regular sickness bug or something. Thankfully we found out just in time. When Sonny was allowed to leave, Jack had almost recovered and Sonny was getting back in track but I still looked after them. They are my best friends and no matter what happens we look after each other!

A bit rushed but I hoped you liked it.

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