Randy- Third Trimester Struggles

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Andy's POV:
I was in the third trimester of my pregnancy, me and Rye had decided to start a family after Jack and Brooklyn had Trevor. We love being uncles to him, but now that they have moved into their own house we don't see them as often. We tried for a baby, it was amazing when we found out I was pregnant. Despite the sickness at the start and so much more, it has been a great experience so far. But not many people tell you what to expect when you hit 28 weeks. That's when the indigestion and nosebleeds sink in. Yes, nosebleeds! In the middle of the night, I was just trying to sleep, I've been having trouble sleeping for a while, I felt hot liquid run out of my nose and down my chin. This wasn't a severe runny nose, it was blood. I sat up and grabbed a tissue from the beside table and put it to my nose to stop the flow of blood. Luckily me and Rye had black sheets on our bed. I quietly got up and went to the bathroom, I didn't want to wake up Rye, he's been awake with me most days and I could tell how tired he was. I made it to the bathroom, I let the blood from my nose drip freely into the sink. I washed my hand under the tap before pinching the top of my nose until it stopped bleeding. I sat down on the toilet lid as I got a dizzy spell, I've had dominant dizziness recently. I grabbed some loo roll and wiped the remains of blood from my nose before throwing it away. As I walked back to the bedroom I took my shirt off because I felt really hot. I sat down on the edge of the bed, hunched over slightly as I rubbed my stomach as I was getting round ligament pain. My back hurt, so did my head. Everything just hurt, I was so tired!

Rye's POV:
I woke up in the night as I felt the bed shifting around slightly and the sound of Andy's heavy breathing. I turned my head to his side of the bed, he was hunched over rubbing his bump.

"Are you ok Darling?" I asked him, I sat up and moved next to him.

"I had another nosebleed." Andy told me.

"Why didn't you wake me up, Baby. I wouldn't have minded." I told him, wrapping my arm around his shoulders. He rested his head against my chest.

"I know how tired you've been lately, I didn't want you to stay awake with me if it was unnecessary." He said. That broke my heart.

"Awww Andy, of course it's necessary. You and our little man are my main priorities in life, if you are uncomfortable then it's necessary. Don't ever think you can't wake me up or ask for help, ok?" I told him before kissing his forehead.

"O-ok." Andy said, he was starting to cry.

"Hey, hey. What's all this?" I asked as I wiped the tears away from his cheeks.

"I'm just so lucky to have you, I am honoured to have you as a father to our little boy. I don't know what I'd do without you Rye Pie, I don't know what I did right to deserve an amazing person like you. I love you so much." Andy said blushing, I pulled him in closer.

"I love you too Cuddles, I wouldn't change you for the world." I told him. We stayed in the embrace for a couple minutes, I massaged Andy's back as I knew he got a lot of pain there. He yawned tiredly.

"Should we try and go back to sleep?" I asked him, he nodded tiredly. I helped him lie back down, I pulled the duvet over the both if us before he snuggled back into me. I rested my hand on his stomach, rubbing it gently.

"Our little baby's in there." I cooed softly. Andy kissed my cheek softly.

"I can't wait to meet him." He said tiredly.

"Less than three more months to go now Babes." I said, kissing him back. We both fell asleep in each other's arms.

Roughly three months later, our son Romeo was born. He has beautiful brown eyes and brown hair, he was absolutely perfect. Now Trevor has someone to play with, me and Andy could never be happier.
A little short, hope you liked it xxx

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