Rack- Extreme Dehydration

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Rye's POV:

"Let it all out Jack." I said whilst rubbing my friends back as he vomited into the toilet. We were probably in there for an hour or two. Jack just wouldn't stop hurling, his body was covered in chills and his forehead was on fire. His stomach was really upsetting him, I felt so bad. He hovered over the bowl, breathing heavily and a hand on his belly.

"My tummy hurts so bad Rye!" He cried, tears rolled down his cheeks.

"I know it does, just breathe. You'll be fine." I replaced his hand with mine and started rubbing Jack's stomach. I felt it gurgle and he started throwing up again, I stopped rubbing and pulled my hand away.

"Don't stop." Jack said in between gags. He grabbed my wrist and put my hand back on his stomach.

"But I made you throw up again?"

"Please, it helps it stop hurting." I started rubbing his sore stomach again, but a bit more gentle. He threw up for a few more minutes before he leaned into me, he practically fell into me. He was dead weight, he had just fainted!

Jack's POV:

BEEP....BEEP.....BEEP. These were the noises I woke up to, when did I fall asleep? My head hurt, I had the worst stomach ache and I felt really nauseous. I opened my eyes and saw I was not in my bed, I had some type of needle in my hand and all the boys were crowded round me.

"He's awake." Rye said.

"I'll go get the nurse." Mikey said as he left the room.

"Where am I, what happened?" I asked.

"You're in the hospital Jack, you were throwing up then you fainted. Your really dehydrated." I looked at my hand, I had an IV.

"How are you feeling?" Andy asked me. I started rubbing my stomach as it started cramping.

"My stomach hurts and I feel sick."

"Are you going to throw up Jack?" Rye asked me, I just shrugged. I didn't think I had anything left to throw up. He put one of those disposable vomit bowls on my lap.

"It's there if you need it mate."

"Thanks Rye." Not long later Mikey came back with a nurse.

"Hi Mr Duff, so you were brought here because you were severely dehydrated. We have you hooked up to and IV at the moment to get some fluids in you. So your friends told me your symptoms: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, chills and fever. Have you had any other symptoms?"

"I have a headache, I'm a bit dizzy." She wrote that down on a clipboard, she did my vital checks.

"There is a stomach virus going around, you probably caught a bad strand of it. We would like to keep you in overnight just for observation as your temperature is quite high and you haven't held anything down." I just wanted to go home and sleep in my own bed, but no. My overnight wristband was on and I was moved onto a ward, everyone else left except for Rye who offered to stay with me. I was lying uncomfortable in my hospital bed, my stomach felt really queasy and preventing me from falling asleep. I turned over to Rye who was sitting in a chair next to me.

"Ryyyyye." I whined out of tiredness.

"You alright Jack." He said rubbing my shoulder.

"Can you ask the nurse if I can have some medicine for my stomach?" I flashed my puppy dog eyes at him, he sympathetically smiled at me.

"Of course mate, wait there." He went off and found one of the nurses on my ward, they talked for a minute. He soon came back and sat back down on the chair.

"They've gone to get you some meds, they'll be back in a second." He ruffled up my hair a bit, I gave him a weak smile. The nurse came back with some sort of anti-nausea medication which I took, apparently it will start working soon.

"Try and get some sleep Jack, you need it."

I was able to leave the hospital the next morning, I had to be on an all fluid diet until I felt better but I was thankful that Rye was there to look after me even when I was a little moody.


Wasn't too sure how to finish that one but I have to make up for not posting a lot recently. Open to requests.

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