Rylyn- How Did You Know?

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Based this one on the musical, Blood Brothers, since I saw it in April it has literally become my life, especially because I need to know the show for my GCSE drama. The trailer is above. Combined two requests here, they were very similar. Enjoy xxx
Rye's POV:
I've been awake most of the morning because a headache was annoying me, I tried to fall back asleep but it just wasn't letting me. Headaches are the most horrible thing ever, they are uncomfortable and distracting and just make you feel like crap. I just wanted to stay in bed but we couldn't because we had to film a video today. I decided that I was going to be productive this morning and took a hot shower before everyone woke up because there would normally be a long line of everyone waiting to use the bathroom despite us having many bathrooms. I washed my hair and my body before stepping out, if anything now my head was hurting even more after showering. I felt kind of dizzy and held onto the sink to support me, I just felt terrible! I managed to get myself dressed and brushed my teeth so I was ready for the day, the very long day ahead. I went downstairs and started making myself my morning cup of tea, I also took some ibuprofen for this headache. It felt like someone was drilling into my skull. I poured the water into my mug, I already put a tea bag in, I almost filled it up to the top when I stopped so I would have room for the milk. I added a splash of milk and stirred that in. I sat down on the sofa with my tea and started drinking it, not bothering to make myself any breakfast because I wasn't hungry, my tummy was hurting a bit for some reason. I just felt really miserable. After a while Brooklyn came downstairs.

"GOOD MORNING TO YOU, GOOD MORNING TO YOU! WELCOME TO WEDNESDAY, YOUR FACE LOOKS LIKE POO!" He shouted, it was as if he was trying to kill me. The pain in my head was getting worse, I groaned loudly.

"Are you alright Rye?" He asked concerned, I didn't want to be a burden today. We were very busy, it's a day to be productive.

"You're noisy, it's early. There is a time and a place for shouting in the morning, that is when you are late for your flight. We aren't planning on flying today so I would greatly appreciate it if you shut your fucking mouth!" I said, irritated slightly. Brooklyn looked at me hurt, I was a bit harsh.

"Sorry Brooklyn, I didn't mean it. I'm just really tired, didn't sleep well last night." I said, that was probably the reason I just let the words fall out without thinking.

"It's fine Bro, I understand. Early night tonight?" He asked.

"Most definitely." I replied. I drank the rest of my tea. Every so often the boys would come in for their breakfast. My pain killers were not working, my headache was only getting worse and now my tummy was hurting too. It was time to drive to the theatre were we were going to film our cover, the same theatre we shot bohemian rhapsody and some of the Shawn Mendes evolution. However that was a bit of a drive, almost two hours. It doesn't help that car journeys also give me headaches, hopefully I would be able to fall asleep most of the drive. Andy was driving, Sonny was in the front seat so I was in the back with Brooklyn and Jack. I sat next to the window with Brook on the other side of me, I curled up next to him with my face nuzzling into his shoulder.

"Do you mind if I fall asleep on you?" I asked him shyly. He wrapped his arm around me, I cuddled in further.

"Of course I don't mind, we'll be quiet for you." He said, that was good news that I was going to get some peace. I closed my eyes and soon dozed off.

Brooklyn's POV:

Rye fell asleep on me, I didn't mind. I knew he was really tired, I was loving how cuddly he was today. He may not have known it but his arms was wrapped me, the only thing I noticed is that when Rye rubbed his forehead against my chest as he slept is that it was unusually warm. He did look a bit pale. Knowing Rye if he was ill he would try and hide his sickness for the longest time possible, never admit he felt bad and sleep it off without any of us knowing. That method isn't really working for him us much as he thinks it does because I notice everything, I know that he isn't feeling great but he won't admit defeat from a pathogen. But for now I was just enjoying his warm snuggles, hoping that he doesn't push himself today. The boys put the radio on.

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