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Brooklyn's POV:

I was sat on Andy's bed watching the football, the others were either at Asda or the gym. Me an Mikey left alone in the flat. He was in the bed next to me, asleep. He had been sleeping all day. I would occasionally look over at him and see him sweating, I would take a second glance and the duvet was thrown on the floor and he would be lying on the mattress in just his boxers. He looked really uncomfortable, I got up and walked over to him. Rubbed his shoulder, feeling how sweaty he was.

"Mikey, are you ok." His eyes slowly fluttered open, his eyes looked bloodshot. He let out a small groan.

"Talk to me." I said, he needed to tell me what was wrong.

"I don't feel good." Finally admitting something.

"Well how do you not feel good, do you feel like you're gonna puke, does anything hurt?"

"My head hurts a bit, I feel hot...I dunno I just don't feel like myself. Really miserable." I placed my hand on his forehead, he felt really warm. Probably why he felt so bad.

"Ok Mike, I'm going to get you some medicine." I went to the bathroom and found some fever reducing tablets and the thermometer. I got back to the ill lad, placed the thermometer in his mouth and got him a glass of water until we got back the reading.

"You're at 101.9 mate, here take these." I passed him the fever reducers which he swallowed down with the water. I sat on the edge of his bed.

"Do you want anything Mikey?"

"Can you maybe, open the window and get me an ice pack please?"

"Sure thing." I got up and opened the window to let the cold breeze through the room. I went to the freezer and grabbed an ice bag to place on Mikey's head to make him feel a little cooler.

"Just get some rest now, you'll feel better soon." I said playing with his hair, he slowly closed his eyes and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


Sorry this took so long, been really busy with school.

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