Bronny- Holy Fucking Shit, That's Cold!

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Sonny's POV:
We have to do some weird stuff in covers, but I wasn't prepared for what the boys had in store for me today. They wanted me to jump into the canal in the middle of winter, I was already on the verge of catching my death of cold in this weather but this was just pushing it. I'll admit I gave into the peer pressure and jumped.

"CANNONBALL!" I shouted as I bombed into the ice cold water below. It hurt so bad to land in it, like knives digging into me. That's how cold it was. I quickly bobbed my head out the water, spitting everywhere.

"Holy Fucking Shit, That's Cold!" I shouted, swimming to the edge of the water and pulling myself out, Brooklyn ran over to me with a towel and laughing.

"Stop laughing at me, you git!" I shouted at him, this was no laughing matter, my toes felt numb. He wrapped the towel around my shoulders and I started to dry myself off.

"Sonny, could you do that again please? I wasn't filming." Elvis asked me, I was bloody fuming. How could he forget to turn the camera on? I angrily marched into the car and sat down in the front seat and turned the heating on, I felt like angry Pingu.

"Mate, come on. Just once more, we'll by you a hot chocolate?" Brook tried to persuade me.

"I've retired!" I said, turning my head away all snobby. I just wanted to go home and have a hot bubble bath. I sat in the car for about an hours as I waited for the others to finish their shots before we drove back home. When we pulled up to the house I noticed that my nose felt a bit stuffy, I wiped it on my sleeve and a string of snot appeared on it. Gross. I wiped it on my jeans as I got out the car, I took my towel upstairs with me and started to run my self a hot bath. I grabbed some loo roll so I could blow my nose properly. Why did my nose feel so blocked all of a sudden, am I getting sick? I felt a slight headache build in the back of my head and my throat felt scratchy but it was probably nothing, maybe I was just tired. I planned to have a bath then maybe take a nap. I had a nice long soak before getting out and wrapping myself in a huge fluffy towel fresh out of the wash. I walked naked across the landing because we are a very open household, I got to my room and slipped on a jumper and some sweatpants because I live in them. I got into my bed ready to have a bit of a kip.

I woke up, I felt worse than ever. My head was throbbing, someone was rubbing sandpaper on my throat, my nose was completely blocked with gunk streaming out and now my stomach didn't feel great either. Oh no, I'm sick. I felt all sweaty and disgusting, I pulled off my hoodie. This meant that I probably had a fever too, why did I have to jump into the canal? OH YEAH, THE BOYS TOLD ME TO DO IT! I got up from my bed, feeling slightly lightheaded as I made my way downstairs to the kitchen were they were all eating dinner. The smell of their pasta bake hit me, I felt nauseated. I put a fist to my mouth and leaned in the doorway as I waited for the feeling to pass.

"Sonny, as you alright?" Brooklyn asked, he was still chewing his garlic bread. I shook my head, still breathing through my nausea.

"What's wrong, are you feeling sick." He asked, I nodded. The nausea was just about manageable, Brooklyn guided me to the couch and felt my forehead.

"Yep, you have a fever. What are your symptoms?" He asked, the other boys crowding round.

"Headache, sore throat, congestion, stomach-ache and nausea." I said weakly and rubbing one eye with my hand.

"We probably shouldn't have made you jump into the canal, we knew you'd get a cold." Rye said feeling guilty.

"Did you swallow any of the water, Sonny?" Andy asked.

"I don't really know, I might have done." I said, I probably did to be honest. More often then not you swallow water from the pool or the sea so the canal would be the same.

"That's probably why your stomach isn't feeling good." Andy continued. This sucks, and they didn't even record it! I sulked and cuddled into Brook.

"We're sorry mate, we promise that we'll look after you." He said wrapping his arms around me, I was safe in his arms. We laid there for a couple minutes, suddenly I felt a really sharp, tight cramp in the lower part of my stomach before it gurgled angrily. I knew what was coming, I was going to have the shits. I jumped up from the couch and started to run to the bathroom.

"Wait Sonny, are you ok. Are you going to throw up?" He asked as I was part way up the stairs, I wrapped my arm around my stomach and turned back to him.

"Do not follow me!" I made very clear before sprinting the rest of the way to the loo. I sat down on the toilet just in time before my whole world fell out of my ass. It was bloody disgusting, at every cramp in my stomach another round of diarrhoea would come out of me. I started crying and my nose started running, this was the absolute worst. I felt the nausea creep back up my throat, I couldn't move off the toilet to throw up. I grabbed the bin by the side of the toilet and held it between my legs, my stomach cramped again but this time I felt last nights supper making its way up my throat, but I also felt like I was going to sneeze. I sneezed and puked at the exact same time, some vomit came out of my nose. My throat burned because of the hydrochloric acid I had just chucked up. The smell of puke was hot in my nostrils, it was going to set me off again. I puked a couple more times, thankfully not out of my nose but it was still gross. Having a norovirus with a cold does not blend well.

"Sonny, can I come in?" Brooklyn said from the other side of the door, I didn't want him to see me like this.

"Are you sure you want to, I look disgusting." I said before spitting out some phlegm into the bin.

"I want to help you mate, of course I want to." He said, I allowed him to come in.

"Aww mate, look at you." He said all full of empathy towards me. He picked up some tissue roll and wiped my nose and around my mouth.

"Are you going to throw up again, or do you think you're fine?" He asked, I didn't think that I actually had anything in my stomach to throw up.

"I'll be fine for now." I said, he took the bin from me and washed it out. He also wet a flannel and wiped my forehead and the back of my neck.

"Is everything else alright?" He asked me, I knew what he was talking about. I think I was fine with that too. I asked Brook to leave me to get cleaned up, I shakily stood up all weak from cleansing my body of all the food and fluids consumed within this last week. I gripped onto the doorway, Brooklyn was there. He wrapped his arm around my waist as I hobbled back to my bed. He had already put a bucket beside it, there were tissues on my bedside table and a cup of ginger tea next to it. I got into bed, Brooklyn passed me my mug and I took a few sips to rehydrate myself. I kicked the duvet off my bed as I was still too hot.

"Get some rest Sonny, if you throw up in the night then just come and get me." He said before turning off my light.

"Thanks Brookie." I said sleepily as he left the room. I smooshed my face against my pillow and then finally managed to have a bit of a kip.

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