Randy- Man Flu

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Rye's POV:

"Rye...Rye please give me a cuddles." Andy said from my doorway, tiredly leaning in his joggers and a sweatshirt.

"Not right now Andy, you are literally a walking germ. Please go blow your nose, take a shower then maybe we can cuddle then. That alright?" I replied, I really didn't want to catch his man flu because the combination of snotty and sweaty is just horrible.

"No, *cough cough* it's not alright. I'm *cough* cold and I need you to warm me up." He said sitting on Harvey's bed, pouting and giving me puppy dog eyes. I couldn't resist, he was being adorable.

"Come on, come snuggle." I said holding out my arms, welcoming him to the comforts of my bed. He crawled over and laid across my chest, I pulled my duvet over the top of us as he shivered into me for warmth.

"My head is *cough* killing me." He moaned, I felt his forehead and he might actually have a fever.

"I'll get you some medicine Andy, do you need anything else?" I said, I got up and tucked Andy into my bed so he couldn't go anywhere.

"Tea and tissues." He said whilst nuzzling his face into my warm pillow. I left him in peace whilst I got him some medicine, tea and his tissues. I hated seeing one of my mates ill so I really wanted to help him out. I even pulled out the dodgey thermometer that we rarely use just to make sure if he had a fever because I didn't want to make him overheated if he did.

"Oh Andy Poo!" I called out, to try and wake him up because he was like half a sleep, in a trance sort of thing. He looked up at me and frowned slightly.

"Am I dying Rye, should I write my will and say my prayers?" He joked.

"Let's just hope it's a bad cold mate and not the flu or anything like that." I said before sliding the thermometer under his tongue, we waited a little bit for the reading.

"100.6, that is not that high as it is only slightly above what it should be but it is still a fever. Not sure if it is high enough to consider it to be the flu. I'll look it up later, but in the meantime here is your medicine and tea. The tissues are on the bedside table." I got back under the duvet with Andy and he got comfortable with his head on my chest, I pulled out my phone and looked up his symptoms to make sure of what illness he had, but it was proven to be quite hard. His symptoms matched up with both a cold and the flu virus so I had no idea. I was about to give up but then I saw this little article appear: Is You're Husband Suffering Heavily From Man Flu?
That got me thinking, Andy probably just had a bad cold but he thinks he's dying. That is literally the description of man flu.

"Andy, I don't know how to tell you this but...you are not going to make it." I joked pretending to well up with tears, but he took it too literal.

"I knew I was dying! How long have I got Rye, please tell me. How do I tell my mum, the boys? What is happening?" He said full on panicking, gripping onto me like a sloth. I felt bad now, he just had the shock of his life.

"I'm only joking Andy, calm down." I said rubbing his back.

"You just have a touch of, what women like to call 'Man Flu', don't worry I'll help you through this. All you need is a lot of cuddles from me and I promise that you will start to feel better soon." I said wrapping my arms around him, he relaxed into me.

"Try and get some sleep Cuddle Bug."

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