Jacklyn- Baby Trevor

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Happy father's day!

Brooklyn's POV:
We were coming to the end of Jack's pregnancy, he was thirty-eight weeks pregnant. It was a hard pregnancy, he had really bad morning sickness at the start of it. He had days were he had really bad pains in his pelvis and back, leaving him in bed. Sometimes he would be extremely emotional and cry for hours on end, thinking that he would be a horrible parent. But there were also the upsides of this pregnancy, the day when we found out the baby's gender (ITS A BOY!), the day when we decorated the nursery for him, when we went shopping for little baby clothes, but my favourite thing was always lying down on the bed with Jack and feeling our baby kick. And that's what we were currently doing.

"I can't wait to meet him." I said rubbing Jack's stomach.

"He's going to be a goofball just like his Pop." Jack said looking at me and smiling.

"And handsome just like his Daddy." I said back, I grabbed Jack's hand and squeezed it.

"You're going to make me cry." Jack said, still smiling. I missed his smile during the hard days.

"His Daddy is the most handsomest person I know." I said before kissing his lips lightly.

"Brookie, I'm hungry." Jack said trying to sit up so he could look at me properly, lying down it was hard to see me over his giant belly.

"Your choice for food, what sounds good?" I asked him this every day, because of his cravings. His cravings were messing him up, like foods that ge would usually love would now make him vomit.

"Spaghetti and meatballs." He suggested standing up, that did sound really nice actually. We held hands and we walked to the kitchen together, I sat him down on the couch up against his pregnancy pillow so he could relax whilst I made him food. I grabbed the pasta from the cupboard and the marinara sauce, strapped on my apron because I was now a chef.

Jack's POV:
It was so nice of Brook to cook for me every day. I was on the couch watching him, he was so concentrated on his task of cooking that his tongue was sticking out. I looked down on my giant belly and rubbed it, I was having Braxton hicks contractions. Not proper contractions, these were normal but uncomfortable and rubbing my stomach helps sometimes.

"Are you alright Jackie?" Brook asks, turning his attention away from the food.

"I'm fine just Braxton hicks." I said, still rubbing. He nodded as finished serving up our dinner. He came over and passed me my plate.

"Smells delicious Brookie." I said taking a bite. It was delicious, he was definitely a better cook now than he used to be. We finished eating and Brook took my plate to wash them, he literally couldn't do enough for me. Andy and Rye walked into the room.

"I thought Brooklyn was allergic to housework?" Rye joked, seeing him wash the dishes.

"Maybe I should get pregnant too, so I don't need to clean up either." Andy said, winking at Rye.

"If you ask nicely you might get some tonight." Rye said smacking Andy's ass.

"Anyway, is there any Spaghetti left?" Andy asked.

"Yeah, there is some in the pot." Brooklyn said pointing to the pot in which the Spaghetti was cooked in. I stood up, my feet were hurtling because they were swollen. My Brookie came over to me, we held hands again and went back upstairs to our bedroom. I laid down on the bed, I looked to my left where our hospital bag was. Brooklyn was looking through it.

"What are you looking for?"

"Just making sure we didn't forget anything." Brook said, he does this literally every day.

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