Jandy- Crohn's Disease

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Andy's POV:

It all started a couple years ago when I was rushed to the hospital with suspected appendicitis. It wasn't, I was having a really bad flare-up. I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease, it can't be cured but it can be managed. This disease causes parts of my digestive system to become inflamed. Every couple of weeks, sometimes months I will get really painful flare-ups which cause loads of different symptoms, sometimes I have diarrhoea, sometimes I might throw up, I might get a fever, red eyes, joint pains, mouth ulcers or patches of red swollen skin on my legs. I never really know what is going to come on but sometimes it is a mix of loads of symptoms. But the dominant one for me is the stomach pain, it can range from acidic aches to sharp cramps or both usually in the lower-right part of my tummy. That's why I was taken to hospital because your appendix is also on your lower-right side of your tummy. I normally take some steroid tablets to reduce the inflammation during these flare-ups, I hope that one day they do develop a cure because the flare-up I'm having right now is killing me.

I woke up really early this morning due to the pain in my tummy, I grabbed my side and rolled over in my bed. Just trying to breathe through it. It was a mix between the aches and cramps today. I looked over at my alarm clock, it was three in the morning. I blink a few times, my eyes felt sore and it hurt to look too far up, down, to the left and to the right. I needed to take my tablets. I sat up, I felt a bit nauseous but I wasn't going to throw up. I stood up, grabbed my dressing gown and put it on and went downstairs. It hurt to move, I opened the door to the kitchen. I was surprised to see Jack there at this hour, he was sat at the breakfast bar eating some leftover pizza.

"Jack, what are you doing?" I asked, startled by his unexpected appearance.

"I couldn't sleep and I was hungry so I came down to grab a snack. Why are you up?" He asked me.

"I need my tablets, another bloody flare-up." I said, almost doubling over holding my stomach.

"Aww Fovvs, go lie down on the couch. I'll get them for you." He said coming over to me, carrying me over to the sofa.

"Thanks Jackie." I said shifting around uncomfortably and groaning, my tummy was in so much pain!

"Do you mind getting me a heating pad for my stomach?" I asked.

"I don't mind at all, I'll get it for you now." Jack said, I re-ajusted myself so I was lying on my left side. Jack grabbed the heating pad from the cupboard, he brought it over to me and plugged it in.

"Thanks again." I said holding it close to my belly, who else would be willing to get you a heating pad a three in the morning. Jack grabbed the bottle full of my steroids and popped two out, he filled up a glass of water.

"Here you go Andy." He said passing it to me. I swallowed the tablets down with sips of water, hopefully they will kick in soon.

"Do you want me to stay with you?" Jack asked, I didn't want to be left on my own in pain.

"Please stay." I said grabbing his sleeve and pulling him closer to me. He laid down close to me and pulled my up so I was lying on his chest. I calmed down listening to the sound of his heartbeat, as I was drifting off I felt myself being lifted up. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he carried me back to my bedroom. He laid me down comfortably on my bed and covered me up with my blankets.

"Thanks for bringing me back to bed." I said whilst yawning, I was really tired.

"Don't mention it, just get some sleep Andy. Hope you feel better by the morning." He said tucking me in. I soon fell back asleep. I was so thankful that Jack was awake to help me during this painful flare-up.


Sorry that was really bad.

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