Jacklyn- Mumps

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Jack's POV:
The boys were making fun of me because half my face face huge because I had swollen salivary glands. I know I look stupid but it really hurts and I feel very ill. But at least Brooklyn was looking after me, not judging me because I had some swollen glands. I was lying in my bed with my mahoosive duvet over me, the lights dimmed because I had a really bad headache, I didn't want to move and even if I tried it would hurt to move my muscles.

"Brookie, it hurts to chew anything." I moaned, I was trying to eat the small amount of toast that he made me but it was painful. And I wasn't even that hungry anyway.

"I know Jackie, but you need to try and eat something." He said ripping off a small piece of the bread with no crusts so it was easier to chew. I really didn't want it.

"I'm not hungry, I just want cuddles." I  said pushing my plate away, Brook placed the plate on my bedside table and got down in the bed with me.

"I'm not sure how this happened, didn't you get your MMR vaccine when you were a baby?" Broook asked me.

"I did, maybe there is just something wrong with me." I said, I hadn't the foggiest idea how this happened either. A chill ran through my body, I pulled Brooklyn closer to me so I could warm up using his body heat. He pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arms around me, I was all cosy now.

Brooklyn's POV:
Jack fell asleep cuddled into my chest, I was getting really hot under his duvet and against his burning body. I slowly slipped out of the bed and took the plate of uneaten toast downstairs, all that bread gone to waste.

"How is fat face doing?" Rye asked, he was drinking tea on the couch.

"Jack isn't the best right now, and please don't call him fat face. He is really poorly." I said, I started to make myself a coffee to take back to Jack's room so I won't thirst as I look after him.

"Me and the boys are having a Toy Story marathon in the cinema room, want to join us?" Sonny said jumping into the room, how could I ever say no to a Toy Story marathon. Except today when I had to look after Jack.

"I can't, Jack needs me to look after him." I said, I slowly stirred my coffee.

"Just give him one of my bells, he can just ring it whenever he needs something." Rye suggested, that is a thought. I went along with it, I went to Rye's room to grab one of his bells. I chose his 'Ring For Sex' bell. I took it to Jack's bedroom, he was still sleeping. I put it on his bedside table and write a little note:

Hi Jack, firstly I hope you had a nice nap. Second, if you need anything at all just ring the bell and I will come to you. From Brooklyn.

So that was that, me and the others went to the cinema room and began the fun. Literally only twenty minutes in I heard the bell ring, Jack was awake.

"Sorry lads, I better go see what he needs." I got up from my comfortable position on the couch and went upstairs to Jack's bedroom.

"Yes Jack, what do you need?" I asked from the doorway.

"You w-were c-cuddling me, then you l-left me." Jack said, he started crying.

"Hey, I'm sorry. Don't cry." I said softly, I sat back down on the bed and rubbed his back. He buried his face into my chest, I could feel the heat radiating off his body. His fever was making him emotional.

"I think we need to take this duvet away, you can keep your blankie." I said taking off the mahoosive duvet and covering him up with his fluffy blanket. I cuddled him some more, waiting for him to calm down.

"I want some soup." Jack said sadly.

"I can get you some soup if you want, wait here ok." I said, I tried to stand up but Jack dragged me back down to his bed.

"Nooo, don't leave me." He whined, I guess I was going to need some help.

"Rye! Can you come here for a second please?" I shouted to him from upstairs, Jack winced and cuddled in closer.

"My head hurts, Brookie." He whimpered.

"I'm sorry Jackie, I won't shout again." I said stroking his hair gently. Rye appeared in the doorway.

"What do you want?" He asked, not very politely.

"Please can you make Jack some soup?" I asked.

"Why can't you do it?" Rye moaned.

"Because I am providing all the cuddles that he needs, and you've done nothing but make fun of him. So you can make the soup for once." I stated, I was putting my foot down.

"Ok then, what type of soup do you want?" Rye asked Jack.

"Chicken noodle please." He replied. Rye left to do some cooking. I continued to snuggle with Jack and put on a film for him to watch.

Rye's POV:
I have to make the sodding soup, just because his salivary glands are swollen doesn't mean you can't make your own soup. I grabbed the tin opener and aggressively opened the can of soup, I just wanted to get back to watching Toy Story with the boys. I poured the soup into a pan and put it on the stove, as I stirred it I heard Jack's bell ring again.

"It's coming!" I called out, can't they wait two minutes? Andy came into the room.

"What are you doing Rye, now is not the time to make food. We are at the  it were Woody gets kidnapped by Sid!" Andy said, really wanting me to get back to the film.

"I can't, apparently I was mean to Jack so now I have to make him some sodding soup." I said, annoyed that I had to cook food that I wasn't allowed to eat. The bell rang again, no one in this house has patience!

"It's coming!" I shouted. Andy helped me by grabbing a bowl from the cupboard and a spoon from the drawer.

"You should put in a little bit of pepper, for some flavour." Andy suggested, I grabbed the pepper shaker and put in the pepper into the soup. As I poured it into the bowl, the bell rang again.

"IT'S COMING YOU SOUP FUCK!" I shouted, I lost my temper. I couldn't help it. I wanted to watch the movie. I angrily stormed up the stairs with the bowl of soup.

"Here is your soup, You're Bleeding Highness." I said bowing and presenting the bowl of soup to the sick little lump.

"Thanks Rye." Jack said weakly. He was being really adorable, I couldn't really be mad at him for ringing the bell. I looked to my side, it was Brooklyn who was ringing the bell.

"What were you doing that for, I almost lost it downstairs." I said, I was annoyed at him for irritating me with my own bell. He shrugged.


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