Chapter 77

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"Okay author, stop adding more secrets into this story like no big deal. You know how hard is it to keep a damn secret?" Yoongi snarled.

"Eh I don't know, don't have anyone to tell secrets to anyway. Just bear with it. Eventually there will no more secrets to tell anyway." I shrug.


"Seriously, Jay? You have to take away my last sprite? Do you know how much of a havoc it is outside right now? I have to get more and it's all you fault." Hoseok's voice complaining loudly in the hallway.

"Don't be so selfish like oh my god it is just a sprite, I'll go get it for you if you want." Jay downing the last of the sprite and threw the can into the trash.

"Then why are you still standing here? Go and buy now." Hoseok pushed Jay out the door and locked the door not letting Jay back in unless his sprite is in Jay's hands.

Yoongi and Jin looked at Hoseok confused at what had just happened in front of them. Hoseok sighs and plop himself down on the couch next to Yoongi.

"The hell just happened?" Yoongi asked as he pushed Hoseok away, making sure to not make huge movements to wake Jimin up.

"He took my last sprite...." Hoseok groaned.

"Seriously what's wrong with all my students, all so weird, so weird. I'm quitting my teaching job, kids these days... too much to handle." Jin mumble to himself and started to rant to himself about the hardships of being a teacher.

"The cause. You gonna tell Jiminie?" Hoseok asked as he looked at his hyung.

"Not you too, and no I'm not going to tell him anything. He isn't going to know anything about the cause. It's simply too dangerous for him." Yoongi threw his head back.

The cause... the cause... it's always the damn cause.

"We stopped following him anyway. We won't follow through the cause. We will stop the cause if anything Hoseok. We will not let him get through with it." Yoongi said as he looked at Jimin to calm himself down.

He can't drag Jimin into the dark world of this industry.

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