Chapter 29

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Yoongi and the two other boys left once again, this time to go to the hospital.

"Should we change first?" Jungkook asked.

"We don't have much time, let's just go, we can come back and take a bath later. Namjoon is more important." Yoongi said before starting up his car engine and started to drive to the hospital.

The boys just discussed about what to do for the mission, obviously to kill or surrender the guys to the police. The client just wants him out of the business.

"I swear they better specify whether they want him dead of in prison, because if not I will just kill the guy." Yoongi muttered before starting to speed up for the hospital, taking a short cut.

"Well if he ends up in prison, I reckon Secrets will bust him out. Our target must know that he is about to be sent to prison soon. He doesn't know he would be dead. Let me just snipe him, easy." Jungkook said and Yoongi looked at him from the rear view mirror and shrugged before parking his car at one of the open air car parks.

All three of them exited the car and Yoongi make sure that it was locked up safe.

Walking into the hospital, the cold blast of wind coming from the ac just hits them in the face, the smell of antiseptic so strong that it made the boys scrunch up their nose.

They messaged their manager to find out where Namjoon is and made their way there.

Hyuk sat outside an operation room, waiting patiently, quietly.

"Manager-nim, is Namjoon okay?" Jungkook asked, most worried for his hyung who had been shot.

"Namjoon is fine, he is just under the effects of the chemical. He is in room 553" Hyuk said.

"What about the guy?"

"The doctors say that he might be paralysed from the spots that he was shot at. The doctor also pointed out, they had many patients being admitted and shot by the same gun as the guy who got 4 shots in his limbs" confusion etched over their manager.

The boys just nodded and walked over to the room that the manager had just told them.

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