Chapter 27

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They walked out of the lift after it have arrived and made their way to the infirmary. They saw Hoseok sleeping, his head resting on the edge of Jimin's bed, Jimin was still up and typing away.

"Oh hi guys!" Jimin chirped after he noticed the three boys standing right outside the infirmary, "Isn't Namjoon hyung with you guys?" Jimin asked as he looked back down on the laptop and continued typing.

"He has been sent to the hospital." Yoongi's voice was soft, it barely came out as a whisper. Jimin stopped typing and stared at his screen not moving.

Jimin just nodded slightly before typing on the keyboard again. "He was shot by one of the people from Secrets." Jungkook added.

Jimin looked up, slightly shocked. From what he knew, they never shoot others if they aren't a threat. Why Namjoon?

"Don't worry, it's just his shoulder. Manager-nim already sent him to the hospital like I said. It shouldn't be life threatening." Yoongi tried to reassure Jimin.

"Why would they shoot? They never shoot unless threatened." Jimin mumbled but obvious nothing can escape the sharp hearing of Jungkook.

"One of them walked towards us with a gun in his hands threatening to shoot us so we shot him. Then an unknown bullet shot Namjoon in the shoulder." Jungkook said, "Yoongi shot all the others hiding, because they were shooting the customers as well."

Jimin nodded understanding the whole situation. He went back to typing, thinking that Secrets deserved to be shot down. It was one of their rules, no shooting innocents.

This whole situation just made Jimin more determined to help Yoongi defeat Secrets.

First it was their missions, saving criminals from jail time.

Next they hurt him so badly that he was unconscious. He still feels the pain.

Lastly they hurt his friends who meant a lot to him.

He can't accept such behaviour.


Yet he still doesn't know the truth of his parents death, Namjoon does.

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