Chapter 53

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After changing, they all made their way to the lab they were all oh so familiar with near the outskirts of the city. Only 3 of them went.

The silence is getting louder as they got nearer to the lab, tension slowly building as well. No sound is heard except for the whirring of the engine of the car.

There was no music and their breathing eerily calm. Their eyes focused on the front and nothing else. Their hair are being blown by the air conditioning that is struggling to cool them off.

The scenery around them just pass by like a blur, sounds of horns blaring yet none were heard. The once bustling city became dark.

All the lights that used to light up were dead and that leaves with the boys and their will to get through this.

The sky knows, the ground is conscious, the plants all wilt in shame. The boys are the only ones racing through the pains.

There stood a tower of hope, the only building that is alive in the vicinity. They drove there and have their vehicle parked right outside.

Dark clouds brewing like the tension in the boys.

"Let's go in." Yoongi spoke, breaking the ultimate silence that had been deafening. He walked in with his two best friends at his side, all three showed expressions of indifference.

Time stopped for them.

Everyone looked at them, frozen in place. All stayed stoned fearing that the tension would slice them if they moved and they would all be dead.

They prayed for one brave soul to save them from the restraints of the tension building around them, holding them captive.

"Who are you looking for?" A loud, authoritative voice boomed through the halls, a confident man descending down the stares.

Yoongi immediately looked over to him and the image faltered.

"You." A smirk painted across Yoongi's face as he slowly walked over to the man who stood at the stairs.


A more descriptive chapter, cam you guys imagine the scene?

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