Chapter 70

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The boys reached Jimin's apartment and Hoseok tries to wake Yoongi up without getting killed. Jay and Namjoon walked to the back of the car to take the boxes of arms up to the apartment.

"Namjoon, how did you guys get involved with Secrets? I mean literally the name says Secrets and it's difficult to infiltrate.... actually nahh just took me one hour to get close to everyone there." Jay thought back to his experience with Secrets.

"Yoongi's boyfriend was part of Secrets, so kinda we found secrets by accident really. We didn't intend to know them in any way at all." Namjoon said as he walked up the stairs with Jay beside him.

Apparently Hoseok gave up waking Yoongi up so he has him in his arms, bridal style walking up the stairs with Jay and Namjoon behind them.

"Did you lock the car?" Namjoon asked.

"Yea, it's locked. I even locked the gates that leads into the building as well." Hoseok had a huge smile on his face. He has a habit of overdoing things. Better to be safe than sorry.

"So thorough Hobi." Namjoon mumbled as he makes a bee line to Jimin's door, not wanting to drag anymore time. He placed the boxes on the ground and took out his keys to open the door as quietly as possible.

Namjoon opened the door and he saw the devil himself, he closed the door once again.

"We cant go in." Namjoon said, trembling quite badly.

The two conscious boys were confused that their friend is saying that the couldn't go in.

"Why not?" Jay asked and is about to go open the door but Namjoon stopped him.

"No, the devil is inside. We can't go or we would be killed. We can't die this young." Namjoon said and the door opened, the devil staring at them.

"Hi...Jin hyung..." Hoseok stuttered out.

"Come in, now." Jin said and stepped aside for all the boys in trouble to enter the hell they are about to be tortured in.

The Job | YoonminOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora