Important** if you want to continue to read after this **

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This isn't important if you're late to the story.

This is kinda just a heads up that I'm definitely taking a break for two weeks after I start school. I wont be updating other books either, unless I have prewritten them, which is pretty much the case for books that I'm still updating except for this one book. Im writing everything following my flow.

I don't know if you guys want to know this but, I'll take a two week break from writing after I finish this book. Of course it isn't the end. I'll post the intro and possibly the first chapter of the next part before taking the break.

The reason, well mainly because I'm starting school soon, so I want to adjust before continue to update, because i have homework every single day of the week, so I'll have to see my class schedule and try to match mine with the update schedule.

I hope you all will understand.

Don't worry though, this part should have more chapters compared to other parts you have already read (or not). That's all. I really hope you guys read till the end because it is important. This is not the end of the book yet.

I don't know if I did say this, if I did then I would repeat myself.

The books are parts of the story. It isn't a book, more like a chapter to the book like how life has many segments and sometimes the title doesn't fit anymore. That's what I'm writing. I know like this is pretty long but like I seriously don't wish you guys to move on from the book when it isn't finished, not even giving it a chance.

I'll try my best to finish this before 14 October (UTC+8) because thats the first day of school for me.

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