Juliana and Milah

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Milah Jordan

After getting Milo and myself together we leave the house and head to the hospital. Jayden had some girl come to my damn house and tell me I better get there or she's going to rip my head off, like what type of white people threat is that? The fuck... plus ima go anyways since I still love Juliana but that don't mean she coming back to live with us.

(30 minutes later) Saint Mary's Hospital
"Whaddup?" Jay says to me "nun much, is she okay?" I ask "Nah she was in a car accident, the car flipped, I cursed the nurse out cuz she said she is fine but come to find out some of her ribs are broken, her wrist is fucked up and head injury." Jayden says while leading me to the room where Juliana is. She's either asleep or in a coma I'm not sure... "she's just sleeping" a nurse named Samia answers "oooh okay I was nervous" I chuckle "I can tell. Is this your baby? He's adorable!" She smiles "yes he's mine and thank you" I smile at her. Jayden clears her throat to catch my attention. When I look up from Milo in the stroller Juliana is looking right at me "heyyyy Julie" I slightly smile "b babe I I'm sorry.... h hi Jayden" Julie says not even noticing that her son is literally right here like what the fuck.... "wow!" I shake my head "w what?" She asks "MILO IS RIGHT HERE!!" I roll my eyes ready to leave the damn room but Jayden grabs my arm. That stud that got me up comes in the room with coffees in a cup holder "I got mocha, caramel and French vanilla" she says "I call the mocha" I quickly say "here you go!" She hands the mocha one to me and I take a few sips "Thank you Blue" jay says as she drinks her French vanilla one "Julie this is blue, blue Julie.. ex girlfriend" Jayden says "Nice to meet you" Blue shakes Julie's hand. I can see Blue doesn't like this one bit.....

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