Four Weeks Later 🖤💔-71

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Takai - Four weeks later 🖤💔

If you thought life was going to get easier it just got a million times worse , Jayden stopped talking ... completely ... She talks to the children but not me ! She won't lay with me - she won't look at me she won't even be in the same room or space as I am . I miss her a lot I hate that she is silent . It hurts knowing that she is that mad at me. I tried making it up by buying her things but she doesn't want them and gave me the money back I tried talking to her but she walks away , I tried everything I can think of : I just want my girlfriend to love me. I still never told her exactly what happened I never reported it . I said I didn't know who did it. When in reality the person who did it is a fuckin nurse . K.L is going to get what is coming to her one way or another I swear she is !
Jailene 💘
"Emberly take a picture with me!" I demand "okay baby" Emberly kisses my cheek and I press the shutter button "oooh shoot that's sooo cute!!" Em smiles "it's only cute because you're in it" I kiss her lips - It's so cool that Emberly and I get to hang out all the time ! She moved right across the street into the low income housing . I love being able to see her everyday "Umm Jai?" She looks nervous "Yes beautiful" I say "Do you think we are to young for grown up stuff?" She asks "You mean sex?" I laugh at her young ways , I'm young to but my mind is like a 22 year old "umm yesss" she giggles with nervousness "I mean we are a little to young but once we hit our teen years we can explore" I say "What if I'm scared or don't want to" she sits on my lap and I kiss her neck "than we don't have to!" I whisper "I love you but I'm nervous I mean I'm not a grown up yet I'm only 10" she says "it's alright we have time !" Emberly looks at me and I look at her "what's wrong ?" I ask "what if I grow up and like boys?" She asks ,I move her off of me and stand up "boys? If you like boys just tell me!" I get angry "I don't know I mean Jesus is cute and so is Adrian and meh.." I cut her off "IF YOU LIKE BOYS THAN I AM DONE" I yell in anger and sadness "don't you think any boys are cute?" She asks "NOOO I ONLY LIKE YOU!" I go to walk out but Em stOps me "I'm sorry I just I don't know ! My mom said I won't know until I'm like 16 or 20 ..."  "well guess what since you don't know don't talk to me until you do! I'm going home to do my homework" I grab my backpack and take the CD I gave Emberly, I hate her right now I can't believe she likes boys eww ... I don't even know why I'm trippin because liking boys is normal but I just want Emberly to love me ! Maybe she's right she is to young ! I have to find an older girlfriend. As I walk home I take the long way which is around the housing unit and up the hill than down it. I put in my iPhone headphones 🎶 I can almost see it
That dream I'm dreaming but
There's a voice inside my head saying
You'll never reach it,
Every step I'm taking,
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking but I
Gotta keep trying
Gotta keep my head held high
There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb🎶 I sing along to the song until I bump into someone "ohh I'm sorry" when I look up I see this really cute young girl , she's older than I am but I can tell she's still school age "it's okay , I wasn't paying attention" she says looking me over , I think she thinks I'm a boy "I'm a girl ... I'm a tomboy" I smirk "I know I can tell . I just thought you're cute but probably wayyy to young for me" she smiles - she has on pink and purple braces cute .. "well you're probably right *nervous laugh* I'm only 9 but I turn 10 soon." I say "I'm 14 tomorrow! OH MY GOSH YOU SHOULD COME TO MY PARTY" she gets overly excited but it's adorable . I take her phone number and the party details than head home , I peep her booty and it jiggles when she walks 😋.
( Jayden 💔)
Just another day going by and I feel like crap . My head hurts , my ears are non stop ringing , the lights bother me so I'm sitting in complete darkness . I haven't touched my phone for three days I haven't talked or even been in the presence of Takai . I still love her but last time someone cheated on me they didn't come back *juliana* therefore I'm just sitting back and waiting to see what Takai's next movement is 👏🏾 if she fucks up again she has to leave ! I know she's hurt but she wouldn't be hurt if she left me. "JAYDEN!" Takai calls "JAYDEN IM TIRED OF THIS SHIT!" I hear her yell "JAY" I can tell her voice is getting closer , than the door opens
"look we done doing this silent treatment shit ok ! I was fucking raped and tortured because I made a dumbass mistake and started talking to some dumb whore ! I didn't want K.L to do that shiii..." I just said it k.L "K.L did this?" Jayden gets up from the bed "the fuckin nurse ? Huh Kai?" She asks me . I just look at her like a deer stuck in headlights until I feel her hand smack my face "nigga I asked you a question". "Yes ok yes it was her but please.." Jayden takes off down the stairs like she wasn't just ill. I hear the front door open than close than open again "WHATS HER FUCKIN ADDRESS?" Jayden yells. I come downstairs and Jayden doesn't even have a coat on "put a damn coat on and sit the fuck down !" I demand "give me her address !" "Give me died" I say "I'll smack the Jamaican out your throat you got five minutes" Jay says . Once I give her the address she grabs the coat off the rack and takes off once again. I'm fucked ....

Q1: Do you think Takai should've kept her mouth shut?
Q2: Is Jayden wrong for not talking to Takai?
Q3: What is your opinion on Jailene and Emberly's relationship?

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