Love Vs Hate prt 1 -19

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😩 Takai 🇯🇲. (2 days later)
I can't stop staring at Jayden . She brought her kids in today for *BRING YOUR KIDS TO WORK DAY* her son looks just like her it's crazy . Her daughter somewhat resembles her but doesn't look like her . I guess Jay's ex must've had the girl . Jay is still in the process of training me so it gives me a lot of time with her . I learned so much about her . She told me about this rapper named Star and all the bullshit drama she caused with in the family . She told me about her mother passing from cancer and just a lot that I could relate to ! "One hour down , six to go!" Jay says while walking over to the vending machine "Takai you want anything?" She asks flashing a smile "Spicy Doritos and a fruit punch please" I flash a happy ass smile back showing my white teeth . She shakes her head than giggles at my silliness. "HELLLOO CAN I GET SOME FUCKIN HELP OVA HEA!" A customer yells aloud. "Hello , My name is Takai how can I assist you?" I smile "I need a red custom fitted" the person says "I'm sorry we don't do custom hats but lids hats are in the mall . They charge $30 for adult, $20 for teen and $10 for kids !" I smile. "Why the fuck yall sell plain ass hat colors if you ain't gonna customize em for the folks?!?" The customer literally makes me want to back hand the fuckin white out her. "Excuse me ? This is my store and we sell these *grabs hat from her hand* basic ass hats because people buy them!" Jayden says "UGH FUCK YOU!" "HahahaHAHA!!! Was that supposed to hurt?" Jay laughs 😂😂
Juliana 💔

I'm so fucked up in the head . I've been texting Star repeatedly trying to get her to answer me . She won't ! So I decide to go see her , I feel bad about what happened to her I truly do . For some reason I love Star . It's complicated you wouldn't understand 😒 I put on my lotion after getting out of the shower than I put some coconut oil through my scalp and hair , brush it into a bun than tie it up , I put my Pink panty and bra set on than I put my xijex ripped mahogany jeans on with my cream belt , Xijex cream shirt with the Word Jules in Mahogany. I than put on diamond hoop earrings , diamond necklace star bought me and my mahogany and cream fur cuffed boots 👢. "Incoming call from STAR" I quickly answer the phone and Star is crying on the other end
Me: what's wrong ?
Star: I cant talk to you anymore ok ! Jayden will kill me
Me: I'm grown baby , I can do what I want .
Star: I'm not going through this again .
Me: you won't have to ! I'll do it right this time . I'll leave Jailene with her , we can be happy together and have our baby through IVF .
Her: ok ok ! Come to my crib - one

Once the phone hangs up I grab my LV purse that is cream and mahogany with silver dots . Guess it's now or never ! Back to square 2 !

The Life Of Jayden-2 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now