Chapter 38

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Author's Note- If 8 of you could follow me I'd have 69 followers and I could say nice.
Logan's POV
"Well done you two." Deceit said sarcastically, the black void clearing completely now, "It almost like we planned for you to get through that."
I stepped closer to Virgil, obscuring him from Deceit's view.
"But not to worry, there won't be anymore challenges for you." His mismatched eyes gleamed in a way that said we most definitely would.
"Virgil, sink out." I whispered, grabbing his hand.
"I can't!" He responded, matching my tone.
"Well, I was certainly hoping not to do this." I said, willing a gun holster to appear, wondering if I even remember how to shoot.
Virgil's eyes went wide for a second as I pulled out a .40-caliber Glock 23.
Both Deceit and Remus stared at me, mouths gaping, eyes wide.
"You shouldn't be able to summon things in this realm, it isn't your realm." Virgil finally said, blinking in confusion.
"What?" I put the gun back in holster, not yet willing it to disappear.
"I can only summon things in the other realm because I 'broke the barrier'." His brow furrowed in confusion.
I blinked considering what this meant.
A slow smile spread across Deceit's face, a cackle made itself known, "I knew it!"
"You did?" Remus asked surprised.
"I knew you couldn't be all good, it doesn't make sense. You have given Thomas anxiety at one point before, you have emotions, you don't strive so much for what Thomas wants but rather for what you want for Thomas which ends up benefiting you, overall it doesn't add up. How can you be a light side?"
How can I be a light side?
It doesn't add up.
The facts don't line up with the result.
Am I bad?
Am I selfish?
I could tell Virgil was saying something, but I wasn't paying attention. I couldn't hear him, everything was muffled.
You're a bad guy, Logan. Welcome to the club!
I watch Virgil, hearing muffled yelling, I read his lips as he screamed at Deceit:
Stop it! Whatever you're doing to him, stop it! He did nothing to you!
Deceit only laughed.

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