Chapter 20

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Logan's POV
Virgil was staring at me in a way that said "Are you crazy!?" And at this point I wasn't sure. This could potentially be the worst idea I have ever had, which isn't that big of a deal because I don't really have particularly bad ideas, but this one was terrible. Confronting Deceit would be dangerous, and possibly playing right into his trap. But on the other hand I could catch him by surprise, figure out his cryptic messages, and stop these night terrors.
"I know it sounds crazy." I tried to reason.
"Yeah no shit."
"But, I need to do this, I can't keep going on like this, these nightmares, they're driving me nuts! Not to mention the impacts of lack of sleep on one's health, which affects both of us. Worsening memory, increased chances of heart disease-" I stopped myself from droning on, knowing Virgil, this wouldn't do much to help my case.
"Fine." He sighed, "But I'm coming with you."
"No way." I literally have dreams about him dying in front of me, no way in hell I was going to make that a reality.
"You can't go alone! That's-" He took a deep breath, "Look, you don't know Deceit like I do, okay? He's manipulating and one hell of a bastard. He had me wrapped around his finger out of fear and if I were to see that happen to you-" His jaw clenched, I wanted more than anything in the world to have him come with me, for us to face Deceit together, but I wanted Virgil alive more.
"Fine." I said, lying through my teeth, "Tomorrow, midnight. Everyone will be asleep. We can sneak past Remy if he even shows up."
Virgil seemed to relax a little, it hurt like hell to have to lie to him but I had to. I had to keep him safe, I had to protect him.
So I'll leave tonight, alone.

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