Chapter 15

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Logan's POV
I rubbed my eyes, as much as I liked waking up early in the night and just talking or listening to music with Virgil, it figuratively pained me to think of the toll this would take on our health. I shook the thought away, I don't want to give up sitting on the floor, the window open and the stars out; Virgil always said it was like the world wasn't ready for us just yet, I didn't quite know what that meant yet, but if there was anyone I could deal with understanding a little bit more, that would be Virgil.
I smiled to myself, recalling the way he said it, like it was a figurative secret he shared with the world, and now with me.
But nonetheless I should get ready now. I took off the weighted hoodie, which was a sort of shared thing now, and made a mental note to return it again. It was so oversized that we just rapped it around us like a blanket, changing into one of my many black collared shirts and carefully choosing from the variety of identical neckties.
I tied and adjusted it in the mirror, now I was fully serious.
Logan's POV- Time Jump (1hour)
Virgil wasn't at breakfast and Patton and I were starting to worry.
"Maybe he's just waking up late? Then we wouldn't want to wake him because he needs sleep! But what if-"
"A witch dragon attacked him!" Roman interrupted, not at all serious, but Patton didn't know that, he continued to freak out.
I was trying to be less obvious than Patton when it came to my worry, I figured it was logical he would sleep in, I would have done the same but the other sides would be significantly more likely to notice, not like Roman was already over analyzing everything I do to figure out what exactly is happening between Virgil and I, if I slept in he might quite literally flip out. Like a backflip, out of the door, probably screaming something along the lines of "That's the tea sis!"  Which I still have no idea what that means.
I figured that I could knock on Virgil's door once everyone left and check up on him... But judging on how Roman is looking at me I don't think that'll happen anytime soon.
"Sooo..." He said in a stage whisper, like we shared a secret, even though it was more along the lines of invading my privacy. "What happened?"
I blinked, "What do you mean?"
"Well our of everyone here you're the most likely to know what's going on with Virgil. So what's happening?" He continued.
I took a second to consider a reply, saying he slept in would hint at the fact we stay up late to "hang out" and my previous nightmares, saying I don't know wouldn't do much except give Roman the chance to prove that I'm not actually that smart or he would take it as a lie and just keep pushing, so the best possible solution would be...
"Probably listening to emo music and lost track of time, unaware that breakfast started." I said calmly.
Roman looked defeated, with an expression that was the equivalent of a villain saying 'I'll get you next time!'
"Well wouldn't you know." He said as he walked off.
I checked the room, no one was looking, and slipped out, heading towards Virgil's room.

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