Chapter 30

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Virgil's POV
Fuck this, fuck Remy, fuck life. Whyyyyyyy?
I kicked the snow with me boot angrily. It wasn't that what I had to do was a bad thing (quite the opposite), but the company it was in (Remy, that little bitch) made it embarrassing and annoying. For all I know, Remy's gonna take a picture and show it to Roman, then I'll never hear the end of it.
I texted Remy-
Oh yeah, and no photos. Or the deal is off.
What if that just gave him the idea, what if he wasn't going to do it before and now he is? It's not like I can stop him if he's hiding! Ahhhhhhhhh-
"Virgil?" Oh god, it's Logan. What should I tell him? The truth? Would he be mad? He might be mad. Yeah, definitely don't tell him. But wouldn't that make things worse? Which bush is Remy even hiding in? Oh shit he's getting concerned, say something!
"Just, uh, waiting for a conformation text from Remy." I said.
He raised his eyebrow for a second, searching my face for something, and smirked.
God he's hot. You just lied to his face! What kind of boyfriend are you? I mean it wasn't technically a lie but still!
My phone buzzed-
Starbucks Bitch-
Careful now, you're giving me ideas...
Bush by the ice bridge, I'm waiting...
I looked back up at Logan, how was I going to get him there?
"Hey, can we, uh, practice skating again?" I imagined myself the same purple and green pair from before.
Lots of stumbling towards the direction of the ice bridge later, sometimes intentional but most of the time accidentally, we were close enough so I could see Remy's bush in view.
As soon as I turned to look at it, I started to stumble again.
"Hey, hey, Virgil look at me, focus on me." Logan said.
I turned towards him, regaining some of my balance.
"You're starting to sound like Roman!" I joked.
"Oh please anything but that."
I laughed.
Remy's in that bush watching you, probably recording you.
"Okay so remember what I told you, one foot back and out, the other foot back and out, alternate."
I did, loosening my grip on Logan as I got more comfortable, maybe I was starting to get the hang of this.
"Okay now I'm going to let go." He warned.
"Oh don't you fucking dare!" I wanted to tighten my grip again, but he already let go.
I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting to fall.
But I didn't...
I cautiously repeated the motions we practiced, one foot back and out, another foot back and out, repeat.
And it actually worked!
"I'm doing it!" I was actually doing it!
I headed towards the bridge before I realized...
I didn't know how to turn.
"Logan... how do I turn?"
I felt him skate closer to me.
"You take one skate and put pressure on that. It'll make you turn."
To late, my skate caught on some snow near the bridge, I stumbled back, my arms pinwheeling around, I braced myself for the fall.
Logan caught me by the shoulders from the back.
"Are you gonna do some fancy ice skate thing where you turn me around and it looks all graceful and romantic?" I joked.
But he actually did just that.
Now I was looking directly at him, he was holding both my hands crossed over each other.
And we were right next to Remy's bush.
I should probably do it now... get it over with...
"Remy get out of the bush." Logan said.
Wait what?

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