Chapter 1

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Logan's POV
I sat at my laptop, clicking through links, pages and pages of information at my fingertips, I take a second to marvel at the internet, one of mankind's most fascinating creations. I glance at Patton in a cat onesie, giggling at what was probably yet another cat video.
"Logan!" He said with a smile, "It's a cat! Playing a piano! I mean... how?!?"
I sigh, one of mankind's greatest creations, used for dumb videos.
Oh yeah, that's my job. Making dumb videos, I ponder with a laugh.
Patton looks at me, I can read the misinterpretation in his eyes, ugh.
"I didn't know you liked cat videos Logan!" He said, his voice filled with excitement.
"I don't." I said bluntly, "Just... thinking."
"About the inevitability of death?" Came a sarcastic voice.
"Virgil!" Patton cheered, immediately going to hug him, I watched him tense up, you could tell he didn't appreciate the gesture, but dealt with it anyways, I could relate, physical contact is not my thing, but when Patton wants a hug, it's best not to stop him.
"Looks like the whole crew is here! Who's ready for the most epic of plays in history tonight?" A voice filled to the brim with drama and fantasy flooded the room, a voice I myself have found quite suffocating.
"Please excuse me for your... performance. I will be working on the script for our next episode." I say as politely as I could manage, I really just wanted some peace and quiet to research or next video topic, and any optional distractions are best to be eliminated.
Roman huffed in annoyance and Patton gave me a questioning look, Virgil looked like he was going to say something vocabulary card worthy, like, 'big mood'.
"But kiddo," Patton said, "you're going to miss the show!"
"And I hope your experience is just as pleasant without me." I replied, biting back my impatience.
"Ayyy, let a guy work." Virgil said, and walk off to the kitchen, likely to poor himself a caffeinated drink, despite the fact it was late afternoon and my many protests about the health factors in drinking it to frequently.
Roman muttered something under his breath I couldn't catch, he seemed to poison the air with annoyance, it was infecting, and emotional, I readjusted my glasses uncomfortably, avoiding emotions was always the best way to stay productive in my case, and I intended to do so.
"Well, okay kiddo..." Patton said reluctantly, and with that I sank down to my room.
I had been working for a few hours straight when I heard Remy's voice, immediately my eyes grew tired, looks like I won't be getting dream cycle tonight.
"Guess what bitches? We gonna sleep tonight! Cause therapy's tomorrow and we Stan that mental health... occasionally." Remy said, sassy as ever.
I had just enough time to close my laptop and pull some sheets over me before sleep fell upon me.

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