Chapter 37

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Author's Note: Hey so mah dudes, y'all are amazing. So hear me out. My friend QueerWhisper613 has a really cool vigilante story that's COMPLETELY ORIGINAL. And amazing! So yeah you should read it. Definitely go check it out 10/10
Logan's POV-
I wriggled, trying to at least loosen the snakes' constricting grip, it only seemed to cause them to tighten around me. I had seen these exact snakes in my dreams time and time again, but in real life? They were a hell of a lot scarier.
I gasped for breath, it was getting hard to do that now.
Think it through, think it through.
I tried to remember exactly what had happened before the smoke.
Remus snapped his fingers... and after that I didn't even notice the snakes till I started focusing on them.
It was an illusion.
But then why was it getting harder to breath? Why did it feel like I was suffocating?
You're focusing on it to much.
I took a deep breath, closing my eyes.
The silence was deafening. I was alone with the sound of my breathing. But at least I wasn't suffocating anymore. The silence let my thoughts wander, I started to worry.
Was Virgil okay?
Where was Virgil?
Was he stuck in an illusion?
What would Remus make him see?
I felt so helpless in the darkness I forced my self into.
Don't open your eyes, you don't know what's out there.
Open your eyes, you don't know what's out there!
I kept them shut, not wanting to break free from the temporary freedom outside of the illusion.
It's bleak.
There's nothing.
The shock forced my eyes open. I spun around, looking to see who said it, wondering if the voice I heard was who I thought it was.
But there was nothing there...
I blinked in confusion. Was that part of the illusion?
Or is it a way to break free of it?
Seeing no alternatives, I considered it a rational enough idea.
"FALSEHOOD!" I shouted back, into the void.
And a little bit of it cleared.
Enough to see...
I rushed over to Virgil.
"Wait..." he stopped, "Is this part of the illusion? Quick! Say something only you would know!"
"Uhhh, Thomas went through I time period in which he was mildly obsessed with forensics and crime fighting, seeing it as precise and logical. This phase left such an impact on him I still have a .40-caliber Glock 23!" I said.
"Wait seriously? I didn't even know that!"
"Well you said to say something no one else but me would know!"
"Yeah, you're definitely real." He decided.
"Am I though?"
"Don't do that. I don't need an existential crisis right now."

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