Chapter 23

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How To Embarrassing The Fuck Out Of Roman: A Guide By Logan (The Smartest Person On The Planet) And Virgil (The Best Boyfriend, Person, Side, Mammal, and Living Creature To Exist)
"Oh shut up!" Virgil blushed, shoving me playfully and reaching for the eraser.
I pulled the note book out of his reach before he could do anything and grabbed a pen to make it permanent.
"Never. That is a fact." I stuck out my tongue at him while rewriting the title.
"No it isn't!" He reached for the notebook, I dodged his attempt.
"I am trying really hard not to scream Falsehood right now. Really. Hard." I said, finishing the title.
"Yeah, it is the middle of the night, that's be pretty suspicious... and startling." He finally gave up on changing the title.
Chapter 1: What Buttons To Push
"That sounds wrong." Virgil said.
"Okay, what do you have in mind?" I asked, handing him the notebook and pencil.
Chapter 1: Subject Of Annoyance
"Very professional." I commented.
He handed the notebook back to me, "No you."
"I actually know what that means now! And Reverse Uno Card."
"What color?"
"You have a lot to learn."
Through careful investigation
"Yeah right."
we have discovered
"Wait, can I do this part?" Virgil asked.
"I was hoping you'd say that, I have no idea how to word this." I confessed.
Roman has a massive fucking crush on Patton.
"Perfection," I said.
Virgil snorted in response, handing the notebook back.
Our plan will involve embarrassing Roman due to his "massive fucking crush" several times. This will affect him greatly due to the fact
I handed the notebook to Virgil.
He's a useless gay who will faint whenever a cute guy (Patton) talks to him. Unlike Logan, who is absolutely perfect in every way.
He handed it back, "Revenge."
That last part was in pen.
Our plan will be thought-out and precise. Involving several steps to create the end goal, forcing Roman and Patton in a situation
I paused, unsure what to add.
"I got this." Virgil said.
Where Roman will blush so hard it will be extremely evident that he has a crush on Patton.
It all starts with a small suggestion.
Virgil's POV
"Hey Patton!" Don't mess this up.
"Yeah kiddo?" He turned around, excited at the fact I was willing to start a conversation.
"I was thinking..." I fidgeted with the sleeves of my hoodie, recalling the plan and thinking of the best way to word this, "You know how we never get snow in Florida and can't really get a proper Christmas?"
"Yeah, it is kinda sad, but we still have a lot of fun during the holidays! And a lot of cookies!" He smiled wide, happy as ever.
"But what if we had a proper Christmas in the mind palace?" I bit my lip. Please work, please work, please work.
"That's an amazing idea Virgil! We could have Christmas trees! And presents! And cookies!!!!" He bounced around excitedly.
"Yeah and could you say it was your idea? It kinda takes away my emo persona." Almost done.
"Okay Virgil!" He opened up his arms for a hug, smiling from ear to ear.
He proceeded to squeeze me to death while I winced and awkwardly patted him on the back.
"Well, yeah, that's my thought." I finger gunned him and popped out (sinking out isn't my thing).
I reappear next to Logan, who was taking notes and smiling, he held up his hand for a fist bump (I told him high fives weren't as cool anymore), I obliged.
Boom, step one complete.

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