Chapter 18

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Author's Note- Okay I'm sorry, here's the new chapter.
Logan's POV
"Sup, bitch." I deadpanned, noticing the familiar dream scenario, I was really done with this.
"Oh yes Logan, do ruin my planned dramatic entrance! Lovely.  Absolutely outstanding." Came the voice, "So fill me in, research huh? Brilliant. Hopelessly in love with Virgil? No tastes. And oh isn't this interesting? You think he's a light side? So he hasn't told you..."
I blinked, confused. "Uh yeah, of course he is, what's your point?" Deceit's a lair...
"You know it!" Deceit sassed, only focusing on my thoughts, not my words.
So it's probably nothing, Virgil wouldn't hide anything!
"Oh of course not Logan," Deceit said like I was some child who didn't understand, "Why would Virgil lie to you?"
He wouldn't! ...Would he?
"What if Virgil were..." A fake gasp echoed through the room, "A dark side?"
Virgil's not a... Then it clicked. It made sense, his overall uncomfort whenever we even bring up Deceit or the Dark Sides (I had previously thought that he just didn't like them, or that they scared him), the way he felt he only hurts Thomas and never helps him, the way he acts like he's an outcast in the group, it all fit.
I expected myself to be mad at Virgil, I mean he lied to me, but I wasn't, I couldn't bring myself to be mad at him. He was ashamed of it, he hated the fact, and he still helped Thomas, despite his past. He was a good a side as any of the rest of us. Besides, I'm not entirely truthful either, I haven't told Patton and Roman about these nightmares, I hid my "Dark Side Theory" from Virgil, it would be cruel of me to judge Virgil when I'm not much better myself.
I was hurt that he felt like he had to lie to me, there's no denying that, but I still... I still love him.
Deceit gave a sound of pure frustration, I could practically here his fists clench as Virgil appeared in the void, snakes wrapping tighter and tighter around him, blood trickling from his nose.
No matter how many times I'd seen this, it still hurt, I still wanted to help Virgil, even if it wasn't real.
I bolted awake, Virgil was there, sitting by the bed, waiting.
"I almost thought you weren't going to wake up this time." He said, "The nightmares returned, didn't they?"
I nodded, glad to see real Virgil pain free and in one peace.
I opened my mouth to ask why Virgil wouldn't tell me he was a Dark Side, figuring now was a good a time as any to talk about it.
Virgil suddenly lurched forward, coughing up blood. My eyes widened, seeing the snake pulling tighter and tighter around his abdominal.
I was panicking, I didn't know what to do. Tears welled up in my eyes as I saw the pain in his eyes.
He was dying.
I saw the light fade from his eyes, I held on to him.
"No... don't leave me Virge..." I whispered to him, his body heat already leaving.
"I need you..."
I gasped in air, blinking in confusion, that was still part of the dream.
"Woah woah, are you okay?" I relaxed a bit at the sound of his voice, immediately wrapping him into a hug.
"I thought... I lost you. I thought you died!" I held on to him tighter.
"You're safe now Logan, I promise."
I couldn't bring up that lie now.

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