"Jimin, wait" you stopped him and took a few steps towards him.

Jimin frowned and stared at you. You stared at him with questionable eyes. You had to ask him now or you will never get that chance again.

"What were you doing at my house last night?" The simple question you threw at jimin caught him off guard. Jimin carded a hand through his hair and you stared him down, waiting for an answer.

He sighed, biting gently onto his bottom lip. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words could be heard. "I..." he started, shifting on his spot. You could see the restlessness his body language held and his eyes were not once on you.

"I don't have to explain myself to you" he snapped. There it was the cold gaze he has only shown to you. That familiar fire in his eyes, his sharp jawline tenses. This was the jimin you could tell struggled with his emotions. How he so easily snapped at you for asking such a simple question. You looked up in his eyes and challenged him. You were not going to shy away, you wanted answers. That sharp glare wavers and you witness jimin fighting himself. He doesn't want to be vulnerable. He didn't want you to see that side of him.

As if he dared you to back down, you puffed up your chest and held up your chin. You are not submitting, no matter how much he scared you, you refuse to lose. "Tell me jimin. Why did you come to my house?" You made your voice an octave lower. Jimin could not lie that he found you really intimidating right now. He found you acting intimidating somehow hot? Not expecting that from you, he remained the same, making you think he was unfazed by your intense glare.

"Like I said before, its non of your goddamn business!" You scoffed at that. You curled your hand into fists, your nails dug deeply into your palm and you took a deep breathe to recollect yourself.

"Jimin" you called and he slowly lifted his head to look back up at you. "Tell me why. While you have the chance" you whispered and took a small step towards him. Jimin held up his arm to keep you away from him. You pushed his hand away and he pushed you back lightly. You stumbled, trying to gain balance. You shut your eyes as you fell to the ground and on your ass.

"Shit, y/n-" jimin tried to approach you and help you up but you gave him a look that told him not to dare come close to you. Your eyes rimmed with tears, your tears wanted to flow out but you refused to cry over something so stupid. You blinked back your tears and slowly got up from the ground.

Jimin portrayed once again that soft expression with slight guilt in his eyes. "Y/N, I-"

"Just go. You wanted to leave. Now go" your gaze fell short as you stared at the ground, waiting for him to leave. Jimins pursed lips slanted and his eyes drooped. He put on his cap and slowly started to walk away from you and your home.

His hard footsteps soon softened and you realised he was gone. He gave you no explanation as to why he was here last night and this just made you more angry. Jimin was too frustrating. You want to understand him, you want to try and figure out why he is always so mean and angry. You didn't know how you will do this, but you were not going to give up.

Even if that meant getting hurt.

"Ay, NAMJOON-AH WHERE YOU AT BOI!" Jackson shouted walking around his friends house to try and find the birthday boy.

"Jackson, shut up" namjoon hoarsely stated, rubbing his eyes as he turned the corner and approached his loud friend.

"Yo, mister Grumpy lighten up will ya? It's your birthday!" Jackson shouted gleefully. Namjoon groaned plopping himself onto his couch. Jackson sat next to him and held out a bag with large letters written on it that read 'Happy Birthday'. He smiled widely, shaking the bag for namjoon to take.

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