Chapter 6: Calm Before The Storm

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Moving Along Chapter 6: Calm Before The Storm

A/N: Hello everyone! Last we left off, all was forgiven and then some. With their love just starting, Atticus and Ziro still have trials they must face. Those trials approach faster than you think.


"Ok, try not to move," the doctor instructed.

The glass shards were harder to take out than they thought. I had about ten in me, but luckily enough, they hadn't hit anything vital. It still stung pretty bad as they slowly pulled the shards out. They already had about half of them out when someone entered the room. It was a very puffy eyed nurse who was obviously new.

"There was nothing we could do," she attempted to explain and the rest of her words came out as a mumbled haze that I didn't need to hear the rest of.

My heart dropped. I already knew this, but some part of me had still held on to the hope that maybe they'd survived. Hearing the nurse say that dispelled it. The world suddenly got darker. Nothing made sense anymore. Parents aren't supposed to die....they can't. Not when they still had a son to be with.

"Atticus calm down," I heard the doctor say.

I didn't notice my breathing got heavier. I tried to get up, but was held down.

"Let me go, dammit, let me go!" I screamed out like a feral animal. "I have to see them, let me go!"


"It's ok, you're all right!" Was all I heard as I woke up screaming. "It's just a dream Atticus, calm down!"

I was thrashing around on the bed like I was still being held down by the doctors. The only one really holding me down was Ziro. I slowed to a stop, but my breathing was still rapid. I clutched my chest in pain as my cuts felt like they'd been set ablaze.

"I'll go get the pain pills, don't move," he ordered, then got up and ran to the bathroom.

It'd been a week and a half since I'd been apprehended by the FIA. When Ziro took me home on the first day of my recovery, I laid down in his bed while he explained more about life in Furcity. How it was a place where furs congregated as one species rather than separate ones. Other cities, while extra species were integrated, still had dominant demographics that were catered to more over others. Smaller towns were even worse about it. Entire villages of one species were dangerous due to the tribalism that could spring from it. Ziro's job was to keep the peace as best he could in these outside communities. It was fascinating to learn what he did for a living. In return, I told him about my life in the human world, but not about the constant bullying. He didn't need to hear anything about that. No, he got funny anecdotes about the time I snorted a smoothie through my nose, or when Roxy caught me doodling wolves on the bathroom stalls. We laughed a while about that.

There were more things Ziro had done for the FIA. Several missions had taken him around the world. One time he had to protect the president of the UFA from a gang of zebras that attempted to trample the commander in chief. Ziro's father had been an FIA agent, so naturally he followed in his footsteps. Both him and his father were revered as some of the best agents there were. He only wished his dad had survived that title.

The next few days we hung out, watched movies, and even went out to see Fido's Squeaky Toy Emporium. I've gotta admit, as a newly made wolf, I sort of saw the appeal. Something about chewing on a squeaky rabbit for hours on end really got the stress out. Yes yes, Ziro bought one for me and it hadn't left my side since. When we got back home from buying food, though, something I hadn't expected happened. Not "wolf guy is secretly a secret agent" unexpected, just regular unexpected.

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