Chapter 11: An Old Friend

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Moving Along Chapter 11: An Old Friend

Yeah, my ass was definitely going to need some ice. Guess I should have seen that coming. What do you expect when your boyfriend makes love with you for upwards to an hour? Throw in the fact that I wasn't, ah, "experienced," and you get the picture. Did I regret it, though? Ask me again when I'm not being held by a handsome wolf man while he sleeps. I'd have gotten up to do some clean up, but...he was still kind of attached to me so to speak. I was still too tired to pull myself off of him, so I just stayed put.

Oh well, I couldn't complain. It's not too bad being in the arms of the love of your life. Something this warm and inviting was truly a miracle for me. After all that'd happened to me, this was the single most amazing thing that almost made it all worth it. I really missed Roxy, though. I hoped she was ok without me there. What was I saying? She had more friends than some dork who couldn't even pack up the courage to ask her out. Nah, she'd probably forgotten all about me.

As I pondered this, I felt a shift in Ziro's movements. He must have been finally ready to get up. I was both happy and disappointed at this. I'd get to train today, but I didn't want to separate just yet. I suppose I couldn't expect to be curled up with him all day long.

After a small grunt, he opened his eyes slowly. Upon seeing my smiling muzzle, he stroked the top of my head. "Good morning bud," he smiled at me joyfully. "That was a wonderful night, wasn't it? You did such a good job for your first time."

I blushed heavily and hugged him. I could feel him smiling warmly as he ran a paw down my back. We stayed that way for a little while before he said, "Ok, we need to shower, then get ready for the day. Can't expect to train like this." He chuckled, looking at how messy we were. Ziro had a point considering we didn't exactly control ourselves at the end. "But first...." He slowly pulled me off of his member, so could move properly. I stifled a moan as it slid out of me. Man, my tail end was going to be sore for a few days. It was worth it, though.

Before I could even start walking to the bathroom, I was snatched up. I yelped in slight amusement as Ziro threw me over his shoulder. "Ziro, put me down!" I giggled out and I saw him shake his head. I just relaxed and let him carry me upstairs to our bathroom. When we got there, I was set down in the tub. No sooner had my rear connected with the flat surface did I cringe in pain. I felt like a huge shock went straight up my bum.

"Oh, I'm sorry buddy," Ziro got in, turned the water on, then placed me on his lap. As water started to roll down our fur my rear hurt a lot less. "I forgot you took a fair amount of abuse back there. It'll be like that for a day or so. Until then, I guess you're gonna be on my lap." He gave me a loving look and wrapped his arms around me. Definitely wasn't going to object to that.

"So what are we going to do for training today?" I asked eagerly with my tail swaying two and fro. Ziro watched it and laughed. I must have been getting real good at it because I was making big splashes in the water.

"First we need to figure out how you summon your soul weapon," Ziro pointed out as he took a sponge and started to scrub my back. It felt really nice to be entirely honest. "You were able to summon it before, but that was in a moment of desperation. It's usually hard to phase your weapon in on command, but you might be able to do it easier than everyone else. Simply because you possessed such mastery with your swords."

I thought on this. Mastery? I wouldn't say that. I think most of that skill came from Kurai. When I used those scimitars for the first time, I felt like we were working together. I don't know for certain, but that wasn't me using those swords. Not entirely anyway...

We said nothing more as we cleaned each other off. It was pretty clear that we both had things on our minds. Me with the secret of Kurai and Ziro with ideas on how to train me. I hoped beyond hope that I'd be able to use my weapon again. Kurai hadn't said anything at all to me. I could feel his presence within me, but he'd chosen to stay absolutely silent. It was kind of nerve racking knowing he was there, but I was starting to get used to it. His presence was very similar to Ziro's so it was getting more bearable each day. When we finished cleaning off, I shakily stood up and grabbed my towel.

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