Chapter 18: The Forest Of Unique Trees?

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Chapter 18: The Forest Of Unique Trees?

A/N: Yo, it's me. Just popping in to say that the song here is just some ambience before you read. Set the tone and all that you know?


My first thought was, 'Oh I fell, didn't I?' How riveting, I know. I stood up in total blackness. Had I gone blind? That wouldn't have been good. Not at all really.

"You're fine," Kurai said right in my ear like a ghost.

'YIP!!" I let out a high pitched yelp, and practically fell over. "Can't you ever appear to me in a less creepy way???"

"What would be the fun in that?" The older brown wolf snickered at me while I stood back up. He had a nice warm smile on his muzzle that almost erased how ferocious he looked. At least he was a lot less menacing than the day we met. "We actually need to talk, Atti..."

Uh oh..this couldn't be a good thing at all. "Yeah? What about, Kurai?" I tilted my head. "Is there something wrong?"

He stayed silent for a few stretches. I chuckled, shaking my head, "Alright, let's hear it, friend." I smiled warmly at him. Whatever it was that was bothering him, I was sure that I could help. It'd be foolish to say we weren't close enough to talk like this. He was inside my friggen head for goodness sake.

Kurai took a deep breath, answering, "so many things about you don't make any sense." He exhaled as if he'd been washed over with relief at finally getting that out. When he looked at me, I was giving him a puzzled look. "I mean...there're so many things about you that don't add up. From your memories right down to how you got to be a part of this world." He looked deeper into my gaze as if trying to find something he may have missed. "Then there's your astonishing adaptation to everything around you. Only a couple months ago, you were taken from your world and placed here in ours. Already, you've overcome obstacles most would have no hope of getting over."

I didn't know how to feel about those words. Sure I'd exceeded everyone's expectations so far, but it was all I could do just to survive. There had been plenty of moments where I should've fallen to my enemy. "It always feels like a miracle that I've made it out of so many binds," I admitted. "What's crazy is that my journey has only begun.."

"No.." Kurai interrupted me suddenly. "That journey began before me. I'm not sure when, but strange things have been happening before you and me...before all this.."

"How do you even know all this?" I looked him up and down, feeling slightly nervous. There was no way these forces were at play before this. "Your memories before us are gone. All of this here is an accident."

"I don't have my original memories no, but I've got yours and I can tell you now, there are no accidents," he imparted as the blackness around us started to take shape. Grass grew at my feet while a grey sky appeared over head. A light drizzle poured on us that turned into a heavy rain. "This memory here is one of many that doesn't seem right to me.."

"What are you-" my eyes fell on a human boy standing over a gravestone. I froze on the spot. The boy was under an umbrella that didn't do so well in shielding him from the downpour. When he shivered, I knew it wasn't because of the cold rain. "Why are we here?" There was a dull tone to my voice. I wanted to leave right now. This was the funeral day..

"Just keep watching," Kurai didn't sound like he was enjoying this, but there was a sense of duty in his tone. Reluctantly I watched my human self standing over my parent's grave. Back then, I felt so empty and hurt. So many days we could've shared. Days that would've been but won't ever exist all because of-

A man walked up behind the past me and addressed him. The man was tall with a gaunt look on his face. He looked very pale with long messy brown hair. His clothes had seen better days, but clearly not laundry day. "Excuse me, you are Atticus Simons, correct?" His horrid breath had smelled of booze.

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