Chapter 22.5: Episode Roxy Part 1: The boy at locker 1224

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Episode Roxy Part 1: The boy at locker 1224

When I walked into North End high school, I'd finally decided that today was going to be the day that I talked to him. Mind you, I said the same thing yesterday, but this time for sure. I heard my name as I passed by Neil, but I ignored him. He was much too negative to be around. No, I was here to see another guy today.

Someone who was rough around the edges, yet gentle and calm. I'd been working the nerve to talk to him for months now, but he was so hard to approach. Every time I got close to him, he had this distant look. That look that said, "please leave me alone." It was quite the deterrent, I must admit, but today I wasn't going to let that stop me. Conveniently enough, his locker was right next to mine.

Sure enough, when I turned the corner, there he was. His back was turned, but I knew who it was. Locker 1224 only belonged to one guy. His clean cut light pudding brown hair was unmistakable, especially in the morning. To no surprise, the boy was wearing black jeans and a blue Star Ship t-shirt. His favorite. Suddenly, all the hustle and bustle of the other students left my ears as I focused on him. In all honesty, my heart raced faster and faster as I walked towards him. This was the moment I was waiting for.

I was so close and-


Darn it, I was foiled again. The boy turned around to face me, giving me a full view of his dark blue eyes. He didn't notice me and walked right past like always. I didn't take that personally since he was always lost in thought, which often got him in trouble. 'Oh well..I'll just have to try later,' I thought to myself and headed the same direction he went to class.

Yeah, we went to the same class. Shocker right? Why don't I just talk to him there right? You'll see. Upon walking into the classroom, I'd already gotten an earful.

"You both are late yet again," Mr. Boxem glared at me and him. "Do you both just want detention?!" He snapped at us like a bulldog.

"No sir," I sighed and took my seat, knowing I was off the hook by default. My spot was mid front and center of the class. The boy didn't say anything. He just took his spot by the window on the same row as me. I watched him as he just stared out of it.

"Today class we're going to split up into partners," our teacher announced. "Since our two late students seem to come in pairs, they can be assigned together!" He smiled evilly at the boy who was already zoned out. "Atticus!" The boy didn't answer. "Atticus Simons!!" The boy snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Mr. Boxem with uncaring eyes. "You will be paired with Roxane." He gestured to me.

Atticus looked over at me and locked his blue eyes with my green ones. His hair was shining just under the sunlight in a light sparkle. Although his facial expression didn't change, his eyes lit up. Like he was seeing me for the first time. I smiled at him and, to my surprise, I think he smiled back.

Atticus Simons, the boy who'd lost everything. I was gonna be friends with him. I'd decided.

A/N: There you have it. ^^ It's an extra episode on the start of Atticus & Roxy's friendship. There will be more episodes from time to time. Stay tuned. I love you all. ^w^

Archer Out!

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