Chapter 5: Healing Wounds

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Moving Along Chapter 5: Healing Wounds

A/N: Last time Atticus had his world rocked. Now he's left to cope with the fact that he's a government test subject. How will he fare?


It was a quiet ride in the ambulance. At least it was for me. I was riding in the back with my parents while paramedics tried to revive them. I knew deep inside it was too late. A man was speaking urgently to me, but I couldn't hear him as his lips moved soundlessly. All I did was look at my parents' bodies with a dulled look in my eyes. What was the point? My world had ended.

We got to the hospital and I was taken to the operating room along with my parents. They went into intensive care while I sat on a hospital bed and waited for the doctor. When he arrived, he checked my chart, then examined the glass.

"Ok, it doesn't appear to be anything life threatening, but we will have to pull the shards out now," he said it like he was crossing off a checklist.

He put a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at his sympathetic face without much emotion. Then, I felt a sharp pain and looked down. There was a knife in my chest. When I looked back at the doctor, all I saw was the devilish grin of the bull dog.


My eyes snapped open and I quickly sat up. I gasped in pain as my chest felt like it caught on fire. After looking down, I saw it was wrapped up. I looked around and saw that I was in a small room. I remembered the events from.....I don't even know how long ago it was. It could've been hours, it could have been days. I didn't know.

I did know that the place I was in was the equivalent of hell. But there was nothing I could do about it, so I laid back down, staring at the ceiling. I must have dozed off because I ended up opening my eyes to a female tiger standing near my bed.

"Oh, you're up!" She spoke with delight. "Agent WhiteFang will be pleased. How are you feeling honey?"

"Fine, I guess," I replied in a distant tone. "Considering I was stabbed and cut up."

"Oh you looked dreadful when you were brought in!" She sounded appalled at the memory. "You were barely conscious! Then you started crying and it darn near broke my heart. You just relax while I call the commander. My name is Tina Saber by the way, but you can call me Tina!

"Thanks for uh..fixing me up," I mumbled as she walked over to the wall phone.

I watched her chat on the phone for a little while like someone with fresh gossip. At first she had a smile on her face. Then it shifted to a snarl.

"I will not clear him for activity!" She roared into the receiver. "He's still recovering! No, I won't do it! Two weeks of recovery time and no less!! Yes, that's my final word!!"

The tiger slammed the phone back on the wall. She huffed for a few moments, then walked over to me with a worried look. When she moved to pat my head, I tensed up. I wasn't eager to be touched again since last time it ended with me getting knifed. The memory of Bill holding me down made me shiver.

"It's ok sweetheart," She reassured at the feel of me slightly trembling under her paw. "Agent WhiteFang will be here shortly to take you to his home. You're going to have a relaxing couple of weeks before they run more tests on you." Her voice grew bitter at those final words.

"Ok," I nodded.

She was about to say something else when the door opened. We turned our heads to see Ziro standing at the door with a pair of clothes. That's when it hit me that the only thing covering me were the bandages and a blanket on the hospital bed. I shrank back against the pillow behind me in fear. Both the tiger and wolf noticed this.

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