Chapter 38: Chase the Light

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Moving Along Chapter 38: Chase the Light

The surface of the silver door felt cold against my paw pad when I pushed it open. Darkness filled the room within like a cloak that no light could shine through. All we could hear was the slow creak of the hinges as we stepped inside. Our paw steps were muffled by a soft velvet carpet under paw that felt like a relief after ascending those countless marble steps. Behind us, the silver door slowly swung to a close with a soft click, leaving us in pitch darkness. There was a small squeak that I knew to be Amelia stifling her fear. I could feel Ziro's grip on my paw tighten in anticipation. Nothing came though. Just our shallow breathing in the sightless room.

That is until a warm indistinguishable light began to shine ahead of us. It illuminated the room just enough for us to make out each other's silhouettes in the dark void. I blinked a few times to adjust to it, then glanced at Ziro who was waiting for my next move. Creeping dread crawled up my spine at the uncertainty that lied ahead. I didn't know what I'd expected, but it wasn't this. I took a deep breath then let out a soothing sigh.

Despite my fur beginning to stand on end, I took several cautious paces forward toward the light ahead. Something about its gentle warmth unsettled me more than if it'd been a cold darkness. A feeling of coziness washed over me like being inside a house while a hurricane raged just outside of it. A false safety that could come crashing down should the storm decide to collapse your home. I was faintly aware of the others behind me as I led the way with Ziro being the closest behind followed by Erick and Sirine walking side by side with Mr. and Mrs. Specks in tow while Amelia was at the end. They all trusted me to lead them forward. I wasn't sure I deserved that.

My pointed ears twitched in an attempt to pick up anything other than our light breaths. Nothing. I swallowed the lump in my throat and continued forward. As I did so, the light began to spread out around us to give shape to the room we were in. Before I could get a good look around, my boot tread on something that slipped out from under me. I fell back with a surprised grunt and would've fallen on my rear had Ziro not been there to catch me under my arms. I mumbled my thanks to him as I reoriented myself. Ahead of me, I could see the toy car I slipped on rolling away from me in the distance.

"What is this place?" Amelia's voice sounded in wonder rather than fear. My head snapped over to her to see her holding a...a plush bear in her paws? It was small bear with a black top hat and orange fur. Just small enough to hold in one paw and cuddle without it getting in the way. She'd picked it up from a small round table that had a gator plush of the same size. It sat under a lamp that hadn't been switched on. Sasha stood a couple paw steps away from her daughter with a book in her paws. In the faint light, I could see that it was one of fairy tales. It'd come from a shelf in front of her that similarly had colorful books for small children.

That's when a small clink behind me made me jump. I flinched to the side to see that it was only Erick leaning over something. Once my eyes adjusted I could it was an oaken piano. The dragon was pressing the keys with mild curiosity in his gaze. I glanced at Ziro whose eyes moved all over the place until settling on me. "This feels like a playroom," he commented to me as we both looked to Sirine who'd knelt down to pick up another toy car by our feet-paws.

"Chamber of the lord of lizards or a child's bedroom?" She asked no one in particular.

I would've asked the same thing myself had I not still seen the rolling fog that brushed against my ankles. The way it snaked around us as though securing its prey made my stomach twist. Ahead of me was the source of the smog hidden by the light. Only vaguely could I make out the silhouette hunched beneath it. They were sitting at a medium sized desk with their back turned to us. I took a few cautionary steps forward until I could make out that the light source was that of an overhead lamp. My fur stood on end at the sight of the figure that looked cloaked in the fog that flowed from it. Their white scaled tail was unmistakable as it swished along the floor, knocking around stray toys that lay forgotten around.

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