Epilogue: Smoothies

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Moving Along Epilogue: Smoothies

"ATTICUS!!!" Ziro shot upward into a sitting position with his arm outstretched. Cold sweat dripped off him from his soaked fur onto his sheets. He pulled them up to wipe his muzzle and soothe the stinging in his eyes. Pink tinted light streamed into the room he found himself in from a window on his right that was half slid open. Soft chirping noises could be heard that were carried by the soft breeze that brushed his fur. When he glanced at the wolf themed digital clock on his bedside drawer, he wasn't surprised, nor thrilled, to see it was 7AM. Time to get up.

'Another dream about them,' the wolf thought to himself as he climbed out of bed, leaving a big sweat spot where he'd slept. Wearing nothing except a soaked pair of boxers, he slipped them off and tossed them into the hamper by his bedroom door. Now less modest, he made his way to the nearby bathroom. Ziro didn't know who "them" was besides a dark shape that was vaguely familiar to him. Try as he might, the shape only grew more obscure as he thought about it until it vanished from his mind entirely. By the time he stepped into the shower to wash his fur, there was nothing left. Only the feeling that he'd forgotten something important. 'Oh right!! That's today!!' At once, he began to wash his fur at a brisk pace.

He lathered some tea tree oil shampoo into his paws and ran it through his mid length black headfur, which had several grey streaks in it. Though only barely in his mid twenties, he'd felt as though it'd happened overnight. Perhaps he'd been working too hard as of late, yet that kept the nightmares away. 'Evidently not good enough,' the wolf thought bitterly given that this was the fifth day in a row. 'Thought I was getting better.' He allowed the shampoo to roll off the curve of his toned back where it gathered at the base of his tail. It curled up to wipe the remnants away as well as get the tip lathered up. Still some of the soap managed to glide right between his perked cheeks, causing him to shiver up to his shoulders.

Once the water had left his now slick headfur, he scrubbed his neck and upper chest. His fingertips brushed against the grooves of his defined chest beneath his glistening wet fur. They traveled down to his midriff where the outline of his abdominal muscles could be felt. In spite of life stress, something in the back of his mind continued to coach him into staying in shape. The importance of that was what got his running shoes on every other day and his diet clean. Still, he wasn't one show off his figure, preferring to keep his fur fluffed out to hide it whenever possible.

That didn't help to obscure his broad shoulders, however, which he often bumped against the door frame. Good thing he didn't bruise easy, or at all really. Once those were properly clean, he reached his arm around his side as best he could to scrub his back fur. This was a tad difficult as the musculature on his biceps were more pronounced than average. At the very least, he was able to get the shampoo to lather up along his upper back and spine. A low grumble escaped his muzzle when he began to tend to his tail.

The poor thing looked like a used feather duster after being rolled over on all night, drowning in sweat. Despite being accustomed to it, it didn't make him frown any less. 'After just brushing it sleek the day before as well,' he thought to himself in mild annoyance. There was nothing for it, though. He ran his paws through the ruffled up black fur on his tail into the desired direction down to the tip. Strands of it caught through his fingertips that he applied firm, yet gentle force to in order to dislodge. The process took several repeated attempts during which, stray hairs gathered at his feet paws. Soon his tail returned to the shiny sleekness that he took pride in. In a final stroke, his tail flicked the remaining soapy water off of itself and into the white tiled wall. He chuckled at the small splash it made against his muzzle.

At last his paws drifted down to the curvature of his rear. Brushing his pads against the soft fur tufted against it, he smoothed it down soothingly against the skin beneath it. A soft murr escaped his lips when his fingertips drifted to his soft tail hole. In a moment of indulgence, he tickled at the entrance until it twitched at his continued touch. Further down he could feel his taint swelling with his length. Lathering more soap in his paws he washed the shaft with several firm rubs that made him bite his lower lip. Though the temptation was great, he got ahold of himself and continued washing with the knowledge that he had somewhere to be.

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