The Words Of The Nighttime Wolf

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The Words Of The Nighttime wolf.. (Trailer For Chapter 19)

A/N: After Chapter 18

This is a sneak peek of what is to come. It's all subject to change so don't try to spot inconsistencies. Enjoy. ^w^

The world is a strange one. It houses both times of great blessings and times of incredible sorrow. For some it's sorrow more than blessings. One such creature suffers sorrow without an end. His only blessing was having a new light drop into his life. Or was it a curse?

He's loved his light and watched it grow slowly. Even as he betrayed his light it still flourished before his very eyes. It was then that he knew that one such light would never go out. Not now. Not ever. The creature rejoiced in this revelation and swore to protect the light that he knew was his own.


"Atticus? Come on babe where are you?" Ziro looked around in the dark room he was in. It was very large with about an inch of water covering the whole floor. The tracer said the little brown wolf was here didn't seem right. There was no sign of him anywhere unless....but he couldn't have ripped out the implant..could he? The black wolf shook this thought away trying not to panic. "Please answer me!"

The black wolf frantically tried to switch his torch back on to at least see anything or get any inclination as to where he was at. When it yielded no results he placed it in the inside pocket of his knee length black trench coat. With a deep breath he remembered panicking was not a good idea at this stage. "I'll just have to sniff him out I suppose..." He closes his eyes and took a deep breath. As his mate if Atti was closely then he'd be able to smell him and vice versa.

Slowly but surely a familiar scent hit his nose. It was one akin to a freshly baked apple pie but that was just how his baby smelled. 'Ahh gotcha sweetheart..' Ziro closed his eyes letting instinct take over him. One foot after the other he made his way forward, trusting that he'd be able to find the owner. If it weren't for the sudden *swish* near his ear, his head would've been taken off.

The black wolf ducked then backflipped a good ten feet away. He was blinded by a sudden flash of light. When his eyes adjusted the room was lit up brightly.  All around him were white walls with the exit just behind him. He wasn't planning on leaving though. In front of him was a particularly large lizard. "Had to be a Drake..just my luck....." Ziro sighed. The drake grinned and held up a shredded black shirt. "That's Atti's....of course it was a trick......"

The drake snarled as it dropped the fabric and hefted the giant battle axe off its back. Ziro held out both his paws and summoned his buster sword. "Seeing as how the shirt has no visible traces of blood I'm sure he escaped you." The black wolf glared hoping more than anything he was correct.

"GRAAAWWRRRR!!" The drake looked irritated with the very thought.

"That's what I thought." Ziro smirked audibly and the lizard charged him In anger. "Because someone as big and dumb as you..."

The swishing sound was heard again near the his ear. In defense Ziro swung his buster sword upward to the right. In one big *CLANG* the axe's blade bounced right off the sword. ".....telegraphs their attacks." The drake swung his axe again blindly in anger. Ziro parried and arched his buster into the creature's back leg. "The shifting of your body...." The drake roared out and fell to its knees. "Along with the muscle contractions in your arms and legs.." He tore the blade out as the monster turned to snap at him. "That give away every move..." Ziro landed and side stepped, barely avoiding its large head. "Before it can even happen." He beheaded the drake with one upward swing. The head severed cleanly enough then landed in the shallow water.

The now headless lizard fell over into the water with blood leaking freely from its neck.  "Alright now that we have some light.." Ziro de-summoned his blade opened his tracking device. "Atticus should be front of me?"

The wolf looked around in confusion. There was nothing here besides a dead Drake. Just an empty room. He looked down at the water then took a knee. It didn't look very clean but put his paw in anyway to feel around anyway. His paw went over something solid so he picked it up.

" please no.." He looked at the tracking chip in his paw with utter despair. It had dried blood on it with a tiny bit of red colored fur. That was odd considering Atti's was brown. "Dammit he's not here!!" He threw the chip back in the water. "Rrrrggggghh he was close! He was so close!!" His breathing escalated.

Ziro covered his face with his paws and snarled into them. Tears almost formed in his eyes but he staved it off. 'No..I'm not going to do this.....there's no time.' With a big sigh he turned and left the building he was in.

"Don't worry.." He got on his motorbike and closed his eyes. With all his might he tried to get something..anything.... "I'm coming for you..I always said I'd protect you. Now's not the time to lose my nerve." The scent of apple pie hit the wolf's nose and he was off.


With the reunion at hand it can cause great sadness or great blessings. But let us rejoice what that reunion will bring. For he his returning....the wolf that we all forgot is coming..

A/N: Thought I'd give you a taste of what is to come and what is a possibility. Yes Ziro WhiteFang is coming back to you with his own side arc. Tell me what you think in the comments and I'll see you later. Archer Out!

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