Chapter 8: Prisoner Of The Mind

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Moving Along Chapter 8: Prisoner of the Mind

"Who are you?" I asked suspiciously with my guard still raised. "And what do you mean by 'end?'"

The older brown wolf simply smiled at me. He was obviously finding me very amusing. I guess I'd missed the joke. The resemblance between us was uncanny. He was definitely what I'd look like if I was older in this wolf form. The same dark blue eyes too.....what was that about? My curiosity must have shown, because he laughed again.

"You don't even know how steeped in the darkness you really are," He mocked, "so blissfully ignorant that it's adorable. But what can I expect from a pup?"

I gave him an angry look. I knew it was kind of childish, but I didn't care. Something about this guy really pissed me off. I couldn't put my finger on it, but somehow I knew him. Like something you know about but keep in the back of your head.

"Let's make a deal," he scratched his chin. "If you answer a question, I'll answer one of yours. Deal?"

I thought for a moment. What kind of questions did this guy have? Why was I so worried about answering them? That didn't matter now, I needed answers, so I went for it. I nodded my head in submission, making him smile with glee.

"Answer me this boy," He began. "What's a memory?"

I mulled it over before answering, "The recollection of a past event."

"Yes exactly," he responded, clapping his paws together. "And in these memories you can look back on things."

"Why are you asking me this?" I wondered. "How does it pertain to me?"

"That's two questions, but I'll give you a freebie," the fur who looked like me responded. "I've spent a good amount of time looking back on all of your memories. I've seen your hopes, dreams, likes, dislikes, and even your little love interests." He gave me a small wink. "There's one thing.....I haven't seen. Can you guess what that is?"

I was taken aback by this. I find some random guy within my mind and these are the questions he has? What was it that he couldn't find? He looked around in my head for Christ's sake!

"I don't know," I scratched the back of my head. "What can't you find?"

"I couldn't find your fear," He sighed dejectedly, which was kind of creepy. "You seem to have none. Everyone has fear, though. What's yours?"

I gave it some thought. My fears? I'd never really thought about it before. There were so many things I'd been through, but fear wasn't one I chose to linger on too long. Most of it was pain and anger. But deep down I knew that wasn't true. There was one thing. One small thing that everyone overlooked about me.

"I'm afraid of...." I hesitated, then looked up at the older wolf who was eagerly awaiting my response. "Being alone. It sounds ridiculous, but that's what I fear most. I've lived through loneliness for so long that I'm deathly afraid of it. Especially now that I have Ziro to share in love with. He's kind of become like my whole world now. It seems kind of stupid to say it since we've only known each other about a couple weeks, but he's the only one besides Roxy that reached out to me. Even after he tricked me into this, I still felt that I loved him. More than anything. Having that taken away would be... horrifying."

The wolf gazed at me thoughtfully. His lip curled into a warm smile and his expression softened. It was a little disarming. "Well, that's a rational fear," He walked over to me and patted my head, making my wag my tail. Maybe he wasn't so bad. "I'll answer all of your questions now."

Well that was simpler than I thought. Now for the basics. "Just who are you exactly?" I asked. "And why are you inside my head? Are you something I made up?"

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